Application Name | Developer | Made with | Rating | Last updated | Views | Installs |
IOP REST Client FrameworkFramework for creating REST API clients in python with IOP | A | Docker Python IPM | 4.5 (1) | 22 Sep, 2024 | 65 | |
isc-perf-uiSimple REST APIs and Angular UI for the line-by-line monitor | Python IPM | 4.0 (1) | 16 Aug, 2024 | 330 | 41 | |
InterSystems Ideas Waiting to be ImplementedAI extensibility Prompt keyword for Class and Method implementation. Also Prompt macro generator.To accelerate capability of growing code generation. This proposal suggests new extensibility facilities and hooks that can be democratized to community and / or fulfilled by commercial partners. To add Training metadata to Refine a Large Language Model for code, a "Prompt Input" is associated with an expected "Code Output", as part of a class definition. This provide structured keywords to describe: * The expected output * And / Or Chain-of-thought to generate the correct output | /// The following Prompt describes the full implementation of the class Class alwo.Calculator [Abstract, Prompt = "Provides methods to Add, Subtract, Multiply and divide given numbers." ] { /// The following Prompt describes the full implementation of the method ClassMethod Add(arg1 As %Float, arg2 As %Float) As %Float [ Prompt ="Add numeric arguments and return result." ] { return arg1 + arg2 } ClassMethod Subtract(arg1 as %Float, arg2 As %Float) { &Prompt("Subtract numeric arguments and return result") ) } | The Prompt macro generates code based on the context of the method it is within. Once resolved, it automatically comments out the processed macro. | ClassMethod Subtract(arg1 as %Float, arg2 As %Float) { //&Prompt("Subtract arguments and return the result") return arg1 - arg2 //&Prompt("Model alwogen-objectscript-7.1.3") ) | The generator leveraged at compilation time could be configured in a similar way to how source control is configured for a namespace. Configuration could lock / exclude packages from being processed in this way. A "\prompt" compilation flag could be used to control the default environment behavior and editor compilation behavior. For example to force reprocessing of previously resolved prompts due to a newer more capable version of code Large Language Model, then a "\prompt=2" could be applied. Different models or third-party services could be applied depending the language of the given method. When redacting source code by "deployment", the existing "deploy" facility could be extended to also ensure removal of "Prompt" metadata from code. A 3Votes1Comments | ||||||
MDX2JSONRESTful web api for MDX to JSON transformation (plus JSONP and XML/A) for InterSystems Caché. Also provides information about DeepSee objects. | E | IPM | 4.5 (2) | 12 Jul, 2024 | 860 | 18.8k |
iris-fastapi-templateIris python first experience with fastapi | G | Docker Python | 3.5 (1) | 25 Jun, 2024 | 129 | |
iris-flask-templateIris python first experience flask template | G | Docker Python | 3.5 (1) | 25 Jun, 2024 | 152 | |
sql-rest-apiSimple REST API web app which accepts SQL and returns the result in JSON | Docker IPM | 5.0 (1) | 25 Mar, 2024 | 517 | 34 | |
realworld-intersystems-irisInterSystems IRIS Starter kit for new RealWorld framework implementations | Docker IPM | 0.0 (0) | 25 Mar, 2024 | 478 | 34 | |
iris-rest-api-templateThe simplest template with REST CRUD for InterSystems IRIS | Docker IPM | 5.0 (2) | 25 Mar, 2024 | 1.2k | 54 | |
RESTForms2Forms adapter for InterSystems IRIS | Docker IPM | 5.0 (2) | 25 Mar, 2024 | 693 | 943 | |
JSON-FilterObjectScript server side JSON filter. | Docker IPM | 5.0 (1) | 25 Mar, 2024 | 399 | 121 | |
EnsembleWorkflowRestful web API for InterSystems Ensemble / InterSystems IRIS Workflow | E | Docker IPM | 4.3 (2) | 25 Mar, 2024 | 583 | 2.6k |
WidgetsDirectorA sample IRIS Backend app to implement a REST API for a helpdesk | C | Docker IPM | 3.8 (3) | 23 Jan, 2024 | 137 | 22 |
OpenAPI-SuiteSet of tools for ObjectScript code generation from Swagger 3.0 | Docker IPM | 5.0 (4) | 24 Oct, 2023 | 1.2k | 192 | |
Open API Client GenIRIS Interoperability Production generator from Swagger 2.0 specification. | Docker IPM | 5.0 (2) | 28 Sep, 2023 | 1.3k | 323 | |
openapi-server-genIRIS server-side REST class generator from OpenAPI specification | Docker IPM | 5.0 (1) | 27 Sep, 2023 | 219 | 47 | |
IRIS FHIR Transcribe Summarize ExportOpenAI Transcribe & Summarize. Google Docs & Sheets Integration | Docker Python IPM AI | 0.0 (0) | 06 Jul, 2023 | 469 | ||
Interopway RESTRepositório com conjunto de classes para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de integrações que consomem serviços REST | IPM | 3.3 (2) | 28 May, 2023 | 133 | 1 | |
csvgen-uiAn angular frontend for Csvgen app. | G | Docker IPM | 5.0 (4) | 29 Nov, 2022 | 750 | 194 |
isc-restBuild REST APIs rapidly, securely, and sustainably | IPM | 4.8 (2) | 05 Oct, 2022 | 876 | 756 | |
interoperability-testUnit Test Interoperability production interface | O | Docker IPM | 5.0 (1) | 14 Sep, 2022 | 280 | 10 |
CoffeeCo Full Stack TutorialIRIS Coffee Company tutorial | R | Python | 3.0 (1) | 12 Aug, 2022 | 257 | |
interoperability-managerRemove a Production Item with two clicks | O | Docker IPM | 5.0 (1) | 09 Jul, 2022 | 212 | 18 |
FIT REST Operation FrameworkAn IRIS Interoperability REST Operation Framework | Docker IPM | 4.5 (1) | 30 May, 2022 | 279 | 3 | |
https-rest-apiRest API with Apache2 Web server | O | Docker | 0.0 (0) | 01 Dec, 2021 | 311 | |
IRIS MiddlewaresSpecify your middlewares. security treatments on all requests. | d | Docker | 0.0 (0) | 28 Nov, 2021 | 538 | |
secured-rest-apiBasic authentication and authorisation via REST API in IRIS | Docker IPM | 5.0 (1) | 14 Nov, 2021 | 272 | 17 | |
movieSample App to IRIS API Patterns | Docker IPM | 4.0 (1) | 03 Aug, 2021 | 214 | 27 | |
irisdemo-demo-restsqlSimple demo of IRIS exposing REST APIs created based on Swagger that have a SQL database as the backend. | A | Docker | 4.3 (2) | 04 May, 2021 | 451 | |
iris-rad-studioIRIS RAD Studio it's a low-code solution that came to make the developer's life easier; Allowing everyone to create their CRUD based on a simple class definition or even a CSV file. | Docker IPM | 3.5 (1) | 15 Apr, 2021 | 1.1k | 79 | |
iris-rad-studio-samplesSamples for IRIS RAD Studio | Docker IPM | 4.5 (1) | 14 Apr, 2021 | 209 | 32 |