Initial Release
This project allows you to add Middlewares to routes or groups of routes, create and specify your application’s Middlewares, performing custom security treatments on all requests.
You can specify Middleware for specific classmethod or skip when if necessary.
Handle request headers, create your own rules and validations even before running endpoints, sanitize your requests, and more
Middlewares are coded in the behavioral design pattern known as “chain of responsibility”, which allows you to pass requests through a chain of handlers. Upon receiving an order, each handler decides whether to process the order or pass it on to the next handler in the chain.
All chains have a unique responsibility and most of them must return void, if something happens different than expected, the chain will be broken and an exception is usually thrown.
You can define your middleware in the package of your choice, in this project there are some examples in the dc.Middleware package, it should always extend from dc.Chain.Middleware
and have the Method Handle
Class dc.Middleware.Middleware1 Extends dc.Chain.Middleware {
Method Handle()
Do ..Next()
The method Handle will always be executed when the middleware is called and this method need to call DO ..Next()
which will call the next chain middleware.
If needed, call ..Abort()
, this method will broke the chain and throw an MiddlewareException.
Set the #AbortCode & #AbortMessage parameters to customize a specific Middleware exception.
they have as default value AbortCode = { ##class(%CSP.REST).#HTTP401UNAUTHORIZED } and AbortMessage = “Unauthorized”
Parameter AbortCode = {##class(%CSP.REST).#HTTP403FORBIDDEN};
Parameter AbortMessage = "Forbidden";
When the method Abort is activated the response will be your status code set to #AbortCode
and a content define with { “Message” : ( #AbortMessage
) }
Create a class that Extends dc.Dispatch this class enable middlewares in your Dispatch class.
Overwrite the ClassMethod WithMiddlewares() to return a list of Middlewares you want to invoke whenever a request occurs. They will be called in the order that was given to them.
Class cd.Api.MainDispatch Extends dc.Dispatch {
ClassMethod WithMiddlewares() As %List
return $LB( "dc.Middleware.Middleware1", "dc.Middleware.Middleware2", "dc.Middleware.Middleware3")
The dc.Dispatch called WithMiddlewares on OnPreDispatch, to be executed for EVERY request, if abort occurs, pContinue is set to 0 and the request is not processed.
You can also define which Middlewares you want to call, informing a annotation on Description of Method.
@with_middlewares() Defines the Middlewares that will be called when this class Method is requested. Adding to the end of the list of ClassMethod WithMiddlewares
@without_middlewares() Skip the Middlewares that you do not want to execute this specific request, the Middlewares informed will be excluded from list of ClassMethod WithMiddlewares
Class cd.Api.MainDispatch Extends dc.Dispatch {
ClassMethod WithMiddlewares() As %List
return $LB(
}/// @with_middlewares( dc.Middleware.Middleware4, dc.Middleware.Middleware5 )
/// @without_middlewares(dc.Middleware.Middleware1 , dc.Middleware.Middleware2 )
ClassMethod Ping() As %Status
Write { "Say" : "Pong" }.%ToJSON()
Return $$$OK
}XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
<Route Url="/ping" Method="GET" Call="Ping" />
In this example, only the Middlewares dc.Middleware.Middleware3, dc.Middleware.Middleware4, dc.Middleware.Middleware5
will be executed because the dc.Middleware.Middleware1 , dc.Middleware.Middleware2
were removed and the dc.Middleware.Middleware4, dc.Middleware.Middleware5
were append
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d