Initial Release
Simple demo of IRIS exposing REST APIs created based on Swagger that have a SQL database as the backend.
Click here to see a video of this demo and for guidance.
Just clone this repository in your PC, run the ./ script and then the ./
Or, you can simply type:
docker run --rm -it --init --name restsql -p 1972:1972 -p 52773:52773 intersystemsdc/irisdemo-demo-restsql:1.0.4
Please, watch the video above for guidance.
The management portal will be at http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp.
User the following credentials to log in: SuperUser/sys.
Please, watch the video above for guidance.
You will find a postman colletion in the Postman folder of this repository. You should be able to import that colletion and run the same tests you saw on the video.
Please, watch the video above for guidance.
Install DBeaver in your machine and configure a connection to InterSystems IRIS. InterSystems IRIS will be listening at port 1972. The namespace is USER. There is only one table in InterSystems IRIS: XPTOBankData.Customer.
Please, watch the video above for guidance.