Initial Release
The following is interesystems classes to allow the Upload and Download of files to a sharpoint location. This is using the Sharepoint API V1
Tp use this code you need a sharepoint site set up with API enabled
You will need to know the Tennant Name, Tannant ID, Client ID and CLient Secret
You can import the code by downloading the Sharepoint Rest API xml SharepointRestAPI.xml into your namespace. Note that this should show all as ADD on your system it is on my systems i already have 2 classes
-Go to Deploy and deploy the XML file
-Set up required OAUTH as SPO name (details below)
-Set up file paths for upload and download
Parameter | Type | Description |
$filter |
string |
Used for datetimemodified i.e. =TimeLastModified gt datetime’2024-12-11T13:43:21.821’ |
POST _api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(..folder)/Files/add(url='folder'overwrite=..boolean)
Parameter | Type | Description |
folder |
string |
replace with folder name |
boolean |
string |
replace with true or false |
DELETE /api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(..SharepointFilePath/Files('..FileName)')
Replace with filename to delete
A standard EnsLib.File.PassthroughService that passes the file directly to the SharepointRESTConnector Operation and uploads the file to the site.
A custom service for initiating the download process
Starts off to get a file list from the API, then download these files and uploads to a standard file adapter.
- SharePointService
The service to send all API requests to
- UploadFileToService
the file adapter to upload all files too, after downloaded from SPO
- DeleteFileAfterDownload
Default is do not delete file from Sharepoint site after, if true the file will be deleted from SPO.
- SharepointDownloadFileEndpoint
A standard EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter to move the file to.
- SharepointRESTConnector
API calls are here to upload files, getfilelist, download files and delete files.
OAUTH setup
This needs to setup with the following setting: · Issuer endpoint:{TenantID}/tokens/OAuth/2
· SSL/TLS configuration: Blank TLS1.3
· Authorization endpoint:{TenantID}/tokens/OAuth/2
· Set your Application and Client Name the same, this will be the setting you use in OAuthClientApplicationName of the rest operation
· Put a Tick in USE TLS/SSL and a hostname of the servers IP address.
Note: localhost and the Virtual IP will not work on a mirrored server in the hostname, this need to be the servers IP.
· Select Client Credentials and Form Encoded Body at the bottom of the form
· Select the Client Credentials Tab and set the Client ID as {ClientID}@{TennantId}, then set your Client Secret
Did not cover in this video the file settings or filter.