Release notes
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3480 notes
SerenjiVersion 3.0.7
- Support debugging of REST services in conjunction with the 'REST Client' extension.
- Display object properties and array subtrees hierarchically in the Variables pane.
- Show private variables correctly when at topmost stack level.
- Enable value-changing in Variables pane when at topmost stack level.
- By default, debugging no longer stops in OBJ-only code.
- Uninteresting code can be marked for skipping through during debug.
- Provide a process list for attach-type debugging.
- Provide a list if debugging needs to prompt for a namespace choice.
- More 'Go to Definition' improvements.
CachéQualityVersion 1.3.10
- Ensemble Ready!
- Accept JSON in XDATA body
- Accept HTML expression between #
- Accept deep class navigation on Index declaration
- Recognition of a list of values in SqlComputeOnChange option on Property specification
- More debug information added in case you get a parser error on a file
SerenjiVersion 3.0.6
See changelog at
VSCode-ObjectScriptVersion 0.7.12
- Debugging support, run routine, class or attach to a process
- Files in Server Explorer now can be edited
- Added more details about connection errors
- Improvements in Server Explorer build tree
- Fixed memory leak when exporting large amount of files
- Server view can be opened in explorer as virtual file system with schema
- Option to suppress popup information message about successful compile
- Export, addCategory setting have more flexibility in naming category for exported items
- Formatting for commands and functions, as Word, UPPER or lower
- Some improvements in syntax highlighting
- Some other small fixes
FrontierVersion 5.0.3
- (File name sanitization) Added filter for whitespaces, they're now swapped into slashes.
- Improved default upload filter messages.
- Fixes a misinformation regarding condition separator used inside an _or filter statement when using the InlineQueryBuilder.
- Removed an incompatibile uploader hook (unit test class).
08 Aug, 2019