Release notes

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3365 notes
08 Aug, 2019 SSourabh Sethi
SOLID Design with ObjectScript
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

06 Aug, 2019 RRichard Zimmermann
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

05 Aug, 2019 SSourabh Sethi
Fast & Informative WEB API/Proxy
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

01 Aug, 2019 NNikolay Solovyev
Nested Set Model
Version 1.0.1

+Community Article

01 Aug, 2019 NNikolay Solovyev
Nested Set Model
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

31 Jul, 2019
Version 1.0.0

Initial release

30 Jul, 2019 EEduard Lebedyuk
Python Gateway Samples
Version 0.8.0

Initial Release

30 Jul, 2019 DDavid Crawford
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

26 Jul, 2019 RRubens Silva
Version 1.0.3
  • The Name has been changed to Port.
  • Fixed a condition where a class was being listed as conflicting due to its package matching in another project.
  • Added method documentation for SetTestFormat and GetTestFormat, that can be used to make Port use XML or UDL when running unit tests.
26 Jul, 2019 GGuillaume Rongier
EnsDemo Iris installer
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

25 Jul, 2019 RRubens Silva
Version 5.0.2

Initial OpenExchange Release

25 Jul, 2019 RRubens Silva
Version 1.1.1

Initial OpenExchange Release

25 Jul, 2019 RRubens Silva
Version 1.0.2

Initial OpenExchange Release

25 Jul, 2019 TTony Pepper
Random Read IO Storage Performance Tool
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

23 Jul, 2019 DDavid Crawford
Objectscript Roman Numeral Converter
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

22 Jul, 2019 RRobert Hanna
Log Production Queue Counts
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

19 Jul, 2019 DDavid Crawford
Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

17 Jul, 2019 SSean Connelly
Cogs JSON Class
Version 1.0.5

Latest Release

10 Jul, 2019 JJohn Murray
Version 3.0.5

See changelog at

09 Jul, 2019 DDavid Underhill
Metrics example
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

08 Jul, 2019 JJohn Murray
Version 3.0.4

See changelog at

18 Jun, 2019 Sergey Mikhailenko
Example Backup Task
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

18 Jun, 2019 AAttila Toth
Version 2019.1.1

Changing repo to the original one

17 Jun, 2019 AAttila Toth
Version 2019.1

CLS source code and support for stream input

17 Jun, 2019 DDaniel
CachéQuality for VSCode
Version 1.0.4

Belongs to

17 Jun, 2019 DDaniel
CachéQuality for Atelier
Version 1.0.1

Belongs to

17 Jun, 2019 DDaniel
Version 1.3.9

Belongs to

10 Jun, 2019
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

07 Jun, 2019 Dmitry Maslennikov
Version 0.7.11
  • added export setting "objectscript.export.addCategory" if enabled uses previous behavior, adds category folder to export folder, disabled by default
  • added Server actions menu, by clicking on server info from status bar. Open Management portal, Class Reference and toggle connection.
  • Class Suggestion in ##class, Extends, As, CompileAfter, DependsOn, PropertyClass
  • $SYSTEM suggestion by Classes from %SYSTEM
  • Import and compile folder or file by context menu in File explorer
  • Server Explorer, now possible to open any other namespace
  • Macros suggestion
06 Jun, 2019 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release