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fixed missing doc
SPOOL existed long before IRIS and ObjectScript
It is a simple device that allows you to write to the Global ^SPOOL
For daily use you should know
Device = 2
it has an integer documentId (default=1)
it has an integer lineNumber (default =1)
you use it by
open 2:<docid>
use 2 write . . . .
close 2
Online documentation on SPOOL is complete and tells you almost all details.
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone https://github.com/rcemper/SPOOL-demo-ZPM.git
Open the terminal in this directory create teh container and run it:
docker-compose up -d
Open a session in your container
docker-compose iris iris session iris
see details here