Home Applications WSockClientMicroSV


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Docker based WebSocket Client as Micro Service

What's new in this version

move to archive

Version 2 added

Updated according OEX templates
Removed hand crafted containers in favor of standard distibutions
New instructions added


Using the IRIS native API for Node.JS was the oportunity to present a MicroService operating in a Docker container.
A demo video is now also available to watch the demo in operation.

What it does

This WebSocketClient Service runs in an own container checking for messages to be submitted using IRIS native API for Node.JS.
The service operates with 3 Globals (Run/Stop WSserver, Input, Output)
Data are fetched from IRIS and sent to an external WebSocket Echo Service and reply is written back to IRIS.
All information is provided from IRIS.
To visiualize operation the containr should run interactive.
Control / Input / Output is all managed from a interactive utility in IRIS.

Challenges I ran into

  • run a vanilla IRIS distribution out of the box without docker-compose
  • transform interface from Caché into new IRIS native API.

Accomplishments that I’m proud of

  • No need for ZPM or docker-compose.
  • A single docker container does it all.
  • Run the same image on native Docker (Linux) and Docker Desktop for Windows,
    (had no acces to MAC)
  • Build an All-in-1 image with Sevice and IRIS in a common container.

What I learned

  • Handling and running more than 1 Docker container in cooperation.
  • Working with Docker volumes.
  • Limits of Docker Desktop for Windows

Built with

  • IRIS Community Edition in Docker
  • IRIS native API
  • Node.JS
  • Docker utility functions


Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.

Version 1

Pull and init the demo:

  • docker pull store/intersystems/iris-community:2020.
  • docker pull rcemper/rcc:demoJS
  • docker run –name ini1 –init -it –rm –privileged -v vol1:/external rcemper/rcc:demoJS bash /rcc/init.sh
    Detailed description
How to Work With Version 1

Run first a Docker exec session for the Control / In-Out utility in IRIS
docker run –name iris1 –init –rm -d -p 52773:52773 -p 51773:51773 -v vol1:/external store/intersystems/iris-community:2020. -b /external/pre.copy
Next start the Service process
docker run –name rcc1 –init -it –rm rcemper/rcc:demoJS /usr/bin/node /rcc/nodejs/WSockIris.js
And start the control program for IRIS in a new command / terminal session
docker exec -it iris1 iris session iris ZSocket

Version 2

download the repo to local directory and run

  • docker-compose up -d

How to Work With Version 2

Start the IRIS session

  • docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ZSocket

Open a new terminal window and start the Service container

  • docker-compose exec nodejs node WSockIris.js

Detailed descriptions:
Read more
Readme Windows
Article in DC

Made with
2.0.316 Sep, 2023
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
14 May, 2020
Last checked by moderator
01 Nov, 2023Works