Keep up with latest product news
Added support for Postgres and MariaDB. Added writeup of test and results for these two databases running on AWS RDS.
• Historical Linking is now based off connection profile name
• Saved Formatting is now based off connection profile name
• Tables and Fields column headers no longer hide based on connection type
Bug Fixes
• Cross tab would not load data correctly in Finished Reports Viewer if it was in a report footer
• Fixed an issue where refreshing logs would not work correctly after viewing a SQL statement
• Views were not visible for available schemas on the connection wizard
• Load Selected Connections
• Only load connections selected from a list
Fixed bubble chart "title" for radius issue
Fixed bubble chart "undefined" series issue
New version of Highcharts
Fixed issue with chooseColumnSpec
Added initial support for oAuth
Bubble chart KPI now show radius
Fixed issue with dashboard filters
Fixed addons loading issue
Fixed issue with namespace detection on home screen
Fixed issue with zero values on charts
Fixes for mobile version of app