Release notes

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3489 notes
20 Feb, 2019 GGevorg Arutiunian
Caché Localization Manager
Version 2019.0.1

Add demo video

15 Feb, 2019 Dmitry Maslennikov
Version 0.7.9
  • IMPORTANT: Connection disabled by default, now. Set "": true to enable it
  • Automatically Preview XML files as UDL, (disabled by default, setting objectscript.autoPreviewXML)
  • Preview XML As UDL by command from Command Palette and from Context Menu
  • Fixed highlighting for XData with css in style tag
  • Show percent-member in outline
  • Multi-root workspace supported now, for different connections
  • Multi-root workspace also for server explorer
  • Go to definition now goes to real file if such presented, or opens from the server
  • Basic syntax highlighting for CSP files, only as HTML
  • Added some snippets for class
  • Go to Subclass for the current class, available in command palette
  • Go to Super class for the current class, available in command palette
  • Go To any class/method in the workspace including server (by Cmd+T/Ctrl+T)
  • some small fixes in the highlighting, and selecting words/variables
  • Intellisense. Show list of methods for ##class(SomeClass)
  • Go to macros definition
  • Go to definition for methods and properties for self object like ..Name, ..SomeMethod()
  • Added completion for class parameters
  • Export without storage
12 Feb, 2019 Nikita Savchenko
Version 4.8.1


08 Feb, 2019
Version 1.0


08 Feb, 2019
Version 1.0


04 Feb, 2019 Nikita Savchenko
Version 1.1.6

New link to a developer community article

03 Feb, 2019 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 2018.2

New release

03 Feb, 2019
Version 2.1

moved to standalone repo

28 Jan, 2019 RRob Tweed
Version 2.44.23

See Github Repository

28 Jan, 2019 RRob Tweed
Version 2.44.23

See Github Repository

22 Jan, 2019 BBenjamin De Boe
PMML Business Operation
Version 1.0

First release

22 Jan, 2019 BBenjamin De Boe
PMML Business Operation
Version 1.0

First release

16 Jan, 2019 Dmitry Maslennikov
Version 0.7.8

16 Jan, 2019 SSemion Makarov
DSW Reports
Version 2018.1.1

Link to article was added

14 Dec, 2018 GGevorg Arutiunian
Version 2018.1.2

Article was added

13 Dec, 2018 SSemion Makarov
DSW Reports
Version 2018.1

Initial release

07 Dec, 2018 JJean Dormehl
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

04 Dec, 2018 KKostiantyn Kovalchuk
Cache ODBC for Node.js
Version 0.0.2

Initial (alpha) release.

16 Nov, 2018 FFabian Haupt
Version 1.1

nothing changed, only fixed 'supported field'

16 Nov, 2018 EEduard Lebedyuk
Version 1.0.0


16 Nov, 2018 Anton Gnibeda
Version 2.1.32

Now DSW can be run in responsive mode on mobile devices

16 Nov, 2018 SSemion Makarov
Version 2017.2

Installer was updated

16 Nov, 2018 SSemion Makarov
DeepSee Audit
Version 1.1.1

Update Installer

15 Nov, 2018 GGevorg Arutiunian
Version 2018.1.1

Name was changed from CDV to IDP DV

20 Oct, 2018 TTiago Ribeiro
Design Pattern in Caché Object Script
Version 1.0

Initial Version

18 Oct, 2018 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 2018.1

Initial Release

17 Oct, 2018 AAlberto Fuentes
Caché Simple Rule Engine Example
Version 2017.1

Simple rule engine example

15 Oct, 2018 TTiago Ribeiro
Adding tools in Studio Caché Intersystems
Version 1.2

New tools added in plugin

11 Oct, 2018
Version 1.1

updated file name to

10 Oct, 2018 DDavid Reche
Version 1.0.0

First version