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A flexible and powerful SQL query string builder for InterSystems IRIS

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A flexible and powerful SQL query string builder for InterSystems IRIS


1. Nice and clean object oriented methods instead of having to use concatenation
and substituition to generate dynamic queries
2. Flexibility to build query adding clauses with logical conditions



Open terminal and clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone https://github.com/henryhamon/sql-builder.git

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose build

Run the IRIS container with your project:

$ docker-compose up -d

How to Run the Application

Open InterSystems IRIS terminal:

$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
IRISAPP>Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").GetSQL()


Set tRS = ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New("sample.person").Where("Age = ?", 30).Execute()

SQL Executed:

Select * From sample.person Where Age = '30'


Execute(Output tSC As %Status = “”, Args…) as %ResultSet

Execute the Query returning the ResultSet

GetSQL() as %String

Get the SQL Query string

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person

Prepare(tSC As %Status) as %ResultSet

Prepare the query ResultSet

IRISAPP>Set tRS = ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN, Age").From("sample.person").Between("Age",10,50).Prepare()
IRISAPP>Write $ClassName(tRS)


Select(params As %String = “”)

Creates a Select query
taking an optional line string of columns for the query with comma separator

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person

defaulting to * if none are specified when the query is built

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().From("sample.person").GetSQL()


Select * From sample.person

Column(pField, pAlias As %String = “”)

Add Columns on Select query

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").Column("age").From("sample.person").Between("Age",10,50).GetSQL()


Select name,age From sample.person Where (Age BETWEEN 10 AND 50)

taking an optional Alias as second parameter

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name","nome").Column("age","idade").From("sample.person").Between("Age",10,50).GetSQL()


Select name As nome,age As idade From sample.person Where (Age BETWEEN 10 AND 50)

From(pTableName As %String)

Specifies the table used in the current query

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person

As(pAlias As %String)

Add an Alias for Table

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").As("pessoa").GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person As pessoa

%New(pTableName As %String)

Specifies the table used in the current query when create a SQLBuilder instance

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New("sample.person").Select("name, ssn").GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person

Limit(pNumberOfRows As %Integer = “”)

Adds a TOP clause to the query

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").Limit(10).GetSQL()


Select TOP 10 name From sample.person

Order(pOrderBy As %String)


Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person").Order("Name").GetSQL()


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person Order By Name

OrderBy(pOrderBy As %String)


Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person").Order("Name").GetSQL()


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person Order By Name

Top(pNumberOfRows As %Integer = “”)

Adds a TOP clause to the query

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").Top(10).GetSQL()


Select TOP 10 name From sample.person

TopIf(pCondition, pNumberOfRows As %Integer = “”)

Adds a TOP clause to the query when a condition is true

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").TopIf(1=1,10).GetSQL()


Select TOP 10 name From sample.person
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(


Select name From sample.person

WHERE Clauses


Add an AND on Where

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
).Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person"
).Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").And("Age > ?", 10).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo' AND Age > '10'

AndIf(pCondition, args…)

Add an AND on Where clause when a condition is true
First parameter is a boolean condition Second parameter is the instruction with one or multiples?
next arguments are the values

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
).Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person"
).Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").AndIf(5 > 5, "Age = ?", 5).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo'
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
).Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person"
).Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").AndIf(10 > 1, "Age = ?", 10).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo' AND Age = '10'

Between(pProp, pInferior, pSuperior, pType=0)

Add an BETWEEN on Where
first parameter is the column name
second and third parameters are the values

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").Between("Age",10,50).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where (Age BETWEEN 10 AND 50)


Add an OR on Where clause

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn"
).Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").Or("Age = ?", 10).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo' OR Age = '10'

OrIf(pCondition, args…)

Add an OR on Where clause when a condition is true
First parameter is a boolean condition Second parameter is the instruction with one or multiples?
next arguments are the values

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
).Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person"
).Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").OrIf(5 > 5, "Age = ?", 5).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo'
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").OrIf(10 > 1, "Age = ?", 10).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo' OR Age = '10'

In(pColumn, args…)

Adds an IN clause to the query
O primeiro parâmetro é o nome da coluna
Os demais parâmetros são os valores

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").In("age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age In ('10','20','30','40')

InIf(pCondition, pColumn, args…)

Adds an IN clause to the query when a condition is true

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(


Select name From sample.person
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").InIf(6>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age In ('10','20','30','40')

NotIn(pColumn, args…)

Adds an NOT IN clause to the query
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column(“name”).From(“sample.person”).NotIn(“age”,10,20,30,40).GetSQL()

Select name From sample.person Where age Not In ('10','20','30','40')

NotInIf(pCondition, pColumn, args…)

Adds a NOT IN clause to the query when a condition is true

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").NotInIf(5>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").NotInIf(6>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age Not In ('10','20','30','40')


Add Where clause
First parameter is the instruction with one or multiples?
next arguments are the values

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo").GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo'

A complex example:

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
	).Select("ID, Name, SSN, Age").From("sample.person"
	).Where("Age In (?,?,?,?)",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select ID, Name, SSN, Age From sample.person Where Age In ('10','20','30','40')

For multiples clauses will add an AND

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn"
	).From("sample.person").Where("Name %STARSTSWITH ?","Jo"
	).Where("Age > ?",10).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Name %STARSTSWITH 'Jo' AND Age > '10'

WhereIf(pCondition, args…)

Add a Where or an AND on Where clause when a condition is true
First parameter is a boolean condition Second parameter is the instruction with one or multiples?
next arguments are the values

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").WhereIf(5 > 5, "Age = ?", 5).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("name, ssn").From("sample.person").WhereIf(10 > 1, "Age = ?", 10).GetSQL()


Select name, ssn From sample.person Where Age = '10'

WhereIn(pColumn, args…)

Adds an IN clause to the query

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").WhereIn("age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age In ('10','20','30','40')

WhereInIf(pCondition, pColumn, args…)

Adds an IN clause to the query when a condition is true

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").WhereInIf(5>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").WhereInIf(6>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age In ('10','20','30','40')

WhereNotIn(pColumn, args…)

Adds an NOT IN clause to the query

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").WhereNotIn("age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age Not In ('10','20','30','40')

WhereNotInIf(pCondition, pColumn, args…)

Adds a NOT IN clause to the query when a condition is true

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").WhereNotInIf(5>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person
Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select().Column("name").From("sample.person").WhereNotInIf(6>5,"age",10,20,30,40).GetSQL()


Select name From sample.person Where age Not In ('10','20','30','40')


GroupBy(pGroupBy As %String)


Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person").GroupBy("Name").GetSQL()


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person Group By Name

Grouping on multiple fields is supported

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person").GroupBy("Name").GroupBy("Age").GetSQL()


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person Group By Name,Age


Add HAVING on GROUP BY clause

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person").GroupBy("Name").Having("Age > ?", 50).GetSQL()


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person Group By Name Having Age > '50'

JOIN Methods

Join(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To add INNER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).Join("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person"


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone
From sample.person As P Inner Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

InnerJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To add INNER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).JoinRaw("sample.Contact As C","P.ID = C.Person AND P.Name = C.Name"


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Inner Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

InnerJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To add INNER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").JoinRaw("sample.Contact As C","P.ID = C.Person AND P.Name = C.Name").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Inner Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

LeftJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do a LEFT JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
		).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").LeftJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Left Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

LeftJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do a LEFT JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
		).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").LeftJoinRaw("sample.Contact As C","P.ID = C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Left Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

LeftOuterJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do a LEFT OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
		).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").LeftOuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Left Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

LeftOuterJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do a LEFT OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
		).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").LeftOuterJoinRaw("sample.Contact As C","P.ID = C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Left Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

CrossJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do a CROSS JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).CrossJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Cross Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

CrossJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do a CROSS JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).CrossJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Cross Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

FullOuterJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do a FULL OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P").Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").FullOuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Full Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

FullOuterJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do a FULL OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P").Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone").FullOuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Full Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

OuterJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do an OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).OuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

OuterJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do an OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).OuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

RightJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do a RIGHT JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).RightJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Right Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

RightJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do a RIGHT JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).RightJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone From sample.person As P Right Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

RightOuterJoin(pTable, pFirst As %String = “”, pSecond As %String = “”, pRawClause As %String = “”)

To do a RIGHT OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument being the first join column and the second join column

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
	).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
	).RightOuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone
From sample.person As P Right Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person

RightOuterJoinRaw(pTable, pRawClause As %String)

To do a RIGHT OUTER JOIN between tables
The first argument being the table name with Alias, the next argument the JOIN-ing condition

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().From("sample.person").As("P"
		).Select("P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone"
		).RightOuterJoin("sample.Contact As C","P.ID","C.Person").GetSQL()


Select P.ID, P.Name, P.SSN, C.Email, C.Phone
From sample.person As P Right Outer Join sample.Contact As C On P.ID = C.Person



Creates a UNION Query
The parameter is another SQLBuilder object

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person"
	).Union( ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New().Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person")


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person Union Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person


Creates a UNION ALL Query
The parameter is another SQLBuilder object

Write ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
	).Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person"
	).UnionAll( ##class(gen.SQLBuilder).%New(
	).Select("ID, Name, SSN").From("sample.person")


Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person
Union All
Select ID, Name, SSN From sample.person


  • Leonardo “Metz” Metzger github
  • Henry “HammZ” Hamon github
Made with
zpm install sqlbuilder download archive
0.2.226 Mar, 2020
Ideas portal
Developer Environment
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
19 Mar, 2020
Last checked by moderator
25 Aug, 2024Works