Home Applications cache-iris-app-tools


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Application tools for technical support and DBMS administrator. View globals arrays, execute queries (including JDBC/ODBC), sending results to email as XLS files. Viewer class instances with СRUD editing. A few simple graphs on the protocols of the system. CSP application but based on jQuery-Ui, Uikit, chart.js, jsgrid.js

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Application tools for technical support and DBMS administrator. View globals arrays, execute queries (including JDBC/ODBC),
sending results to email as XLS files. Viewer class instances with СRUD editing. A few simple graphs on the protocols of the system.
CSP application but based on jQuery-Ui, Uikit, chart.js, jsgrid.js


Find the latest release and import XML file into Caché or IRIS by one of the next ways:
The namespace must be enabled for Intorparbilty (Ensemble) enabled!

  1. X – Just drag XML file over Studio window in any Interopeability enabled namespace for example APP;
  2. X – Go to the Management Portal -> System Explorer -> Classes -> Import and select the XML file;
  3. Execute do $system.OBJ.LoadDir("C:\path\cache-iris-apptools\src\","ck",,1) in terminal.
  4. During installation, mappig will be created in all namespace through namespace %All
  5. For Windowqs, if you have not installed utility 7z.exe, copy the files from the directory C:\path\cache-iris-apptools-master\src\csp to c:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\app
    For linux CSP files should be installed automatically.

Panel for admins & developers

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.LogInfo.cls

  • view the list of globals by mask with count blocks occupied by them.
  • viewing global and direct and reverse with a possible filter by links and node data. Edit global nodes. Export a selection of nodes and global data to an XLS file and send the archive to an email.
  • execution of queries and SQL statements with the ability to connect via JDBC / ODBC. Export the results to an XLS file and send the archive to an email.
  • code execution by XECUTE command in the interface panel.
  • saving commands and queries in the program history with the ability to run them again.
  • there is a module for implementing the LockedDown mode - ##class(App.security).LockDown(…)
  • multilanguage interface supported (install the global from C:\path\cache-iris-apptools-master\src\glb\appcachemsg.xml).

Charts admins

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.Chart.cls?panel=class(App.ChartPanel).ChartAlert
  - output of the DBMS events using the iris.log protocol (cconsole.log)

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.Chart.cls?panel=class(App.ChartPanel).ChartDbSize
  - output of the growth dynamics of DBMS database files using the iris.log protocol (cconsole.log)

Class explorer

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.FormExp.cls?panel=AccordionExp

  • Navigation by namespaces, class, and class instance. Create, edit, and delete class instances in the on-screen form interface.

Matrix permissions

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/apptools/App.TabsPanelUikitPermissMatrx.cls?autoload=Matrix

  • Group assignment of roles to users by selecting them by filter in the screen panel
    Matrix permissions

Templates & Samples

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.TabsPanelSample.cls

  • jQuery-Ui.js based application template.

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.TabsPanelUikit.cls

  • UiKit.js based application template

Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.TabsPanelUikitAdmin.cls

  • UiKit.js based application template for admin panels
1.0.224 Mar, 2020
Developer Environment
Works with
CachéEnsembleInterSystems IRIS
First published
18 Sep, 2019
Last edited
24 Mar, 2020
Last checked by moderator
26 Nov, 2024Doesn't work