
Application tools for technical support and DBMS administrator. View globals arrays, execute queries (including JDBC/ODBC),
sending results to email as XLS files. Viewer class instances with СRUD editing. A few simple graphs on the protocols of the system.
CSP application but based on jQuery-Ui, Uikit, chart.js, jsgrid.js
Find the latest release and import XML file into Caché or IRIS by one of the next ways:
The namespace must be enabled for Intorparbilty (Ensemble) enabled!
- X – Just drag XML file over Studio window in any Interopeability enabled namespace for example APP;
- X – Go to the Management Portal -> System Explorer -> Classes -> Import and select the XML file;
- Execute
do $system.OBJ.LoadDir("C:\path\cache-iris-apptools\src\","ck",,1)
in terminal.
- During installation, mappig will be created in all namespace through namespace %All
- For Windowqs, if you have not installed utility 7z.exe, copy the files from the directory C:\path\cache-iris-apptools-master\src\csp to c:\InterSystems\IRIS\CSP\app
For linux CSP files should be installed automatically.
Panel for admins & developers
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.LogInfo.cls
- view the list of globals by mask with count blocks occupied by them.
- viewing global and direct and reverse with a possible filter by links and node data. Edit global nodes. Export a selection of nodes and global data to an XLS file and send the archive to an email.
- execution of queries and SQL statements with the ability to connect via JDBC / ODBC. Export the results to an XLS file and send the archive to an email.
- code execution by XECUTE command in the interface panel.
- saving commands and queries in the program history with the ability to run them again.
- there is a module for implementing the LockedDown mode - ##class(App.security).LockDown(…)
- multilanguage interface supported (install the global from C:\path\cache-iris-apptools-master\src\glb\appcachemsg.xml).
Charts admins
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.Chart.cls?panel=class(App.ChartPanel).ChartAlert
- output of the DBMS events using the iris.log protocol (cconsole.log)
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.Chart.cls?panel=class(App.ChartPanel).ChartDbSize
- output of the growth dynamics of DBMS database files using the iris.log protocol (cconsole.log)
Class explorer
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.FormExp.cls?panel=AccordionExp
- Navigation by namespaces, class, and class instance. Create, edit, and delete class instances in the on-screen form interface.
Matrix permissions
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/apptools/App.TabsPanelUikitPermissMatrx.cls?autoload=Matrix
- Group assignment of roles to users by selecting them by filter in the screen panel

Templates & Samples
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.TabsPanelSample.cls
- jQuery-Ui.js based application template.
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.TabsPanelUikit.cls
- UiKit.js based application template
Load http://your-host:your-port/apptools/App.TabsPanelUikitAdmin.cls
- UiKit.js based application template for admin panels