Fixing ZPM version
After selecting a Data Source (CSV file, Caché Class, or SQL Query), your data is easily and quickly transformed into a personalized preview of DeepSee
Once installation is complete, a new “Analyze This” Link will be added to the User Portal. The User Portal can be found from the Management Portal -> Analytics -> User Portal
Provide a Data Source (CSV file, Caché Class, or SQL Query) and assign dimensions/measures as necessary. Once ready, click the import button. At this point, a new Caché class is created based on your Data Source and the data is imported. This new class is used as the source for the DeepSee cube. A DeepSee cube is also generated based on the properties in the source class. Once the cube is created and the records are built, a sample dashboard can be viewed. A scoring system is used to evaluate and rank the possible charts and tables that are displayed on this dashboard. After getting a visual idea of what DeepSee can offer, users can begin exploring the model within Architect or the data within Analyzer.
Set path="PATH FROM STEP 2"
Do $system.OBJ.Load(path_"/AnalyzeThis/Installer.cls","ck")
Do ##class(AnalyzeThis.Installer).RunInstaller(path)