Release notes
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3497 notes
SerenjiVersion 3.0.5
See changelog at
SerenjiVersion 3.0.4
See changelog at
XSLFOWrapperVersion 2019.1.1
Changing repo to the original one
XSLFOWrapperVersion 2019.1
CLS source code and support for stream input
10 Jun, 2019
VSCode-ObjectScriptVersion 0.7.11
- added export setting "objectscript.export.addCategory" if enabled uses previous behavior, adds category folder to export folder, disabled by default
- added Server actions menu, by clicking on server info from status bar. Open Management portal, Class Reference and toggle connection.
- Class Suggestion in ##class, Extends, As, CompileAfter, DependsOn, PropertyClass
- $SYSTEM suggestion by Classes from %SYSTEM
- Import and compile folder or file by context menu in File explorer
- Server Explorer, now possible to open any other namespace
- Macros suggestion
05 Jun, 2019
30 May, 2019
30 May, 2019
isclibVersion 2.1.0
Adding the ability to wait for an instane to be ready
The Folding StuffVersion 0.1.1
- Move the options to a submenu.
- Add options for recursive folding and unfolding.
DeltanjiVersion 7.0
Compatibility with Serenji 3.0. More release notes at
SerenjiVersion 3.0.3