Add train by text
Can be used to suggest the correct spelling of text similar to Google “Did you mean” but based on a pure InterSystems IRIS ObjectScript implementation of Peter Norvig correct spelling suggestion algorithm.
You can read more about the approach in the original article.
It takes a given word and returns a suggestion of the probable correct spelling of the word.
The API can build a dictionary with correctly spelled words.
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Open terminal and clone/git pull the repo into any local directory as shown below:
$ git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
cd irisapp
$ docker-compose build
zpm:USER>install simple-spellchecker
Open IRIS terminal:
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
IRISAPP>Set ^UnitTestRoot = "/opt/irisapp/src/SimpleSpellchecker/UnitTests/"
IRISAPP>Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest("","/loadudl")
POST request are used to train the model, this REST API exposes two POST requests:
Prepare a collection of terms, e.g. in Postman with raw data in JSON. e.g.
Adjust the authorisation if needed - it is basic for container with default login and password for IRIS Community edition container
and send the POST request to localhost:52773/simplespellchecker/train/
This will build a dictionary with correctly spelled words.
Train a dictionary from a text document, just prepare the JSON with a text, e.g.
{"text":"A very long text here."}
In Assert folder has a sample training text document, obtained from Peter Norvig site that you can use to train the language model, it is a concatenation of public domain book excerpts from Project Gutenberg.
PUT request could be used to add a single term to dictionary.
E.g. we want to add the word spelling Prepare in Postman and send the put request to:
Delete will completely remove a term from dictionary.
For delete request this REST API expects only the word to delete. E.g. if the spelling the following DELETE call will delete the record:
To spell check test GET you need to train the dictionary. You can create it with POST request (see above)
This REST API exposes two GET requests:
To spell check:
E.g. To get the correct word for speling
This will return JSON data for the suggestion word, something like that:
{"suggest": "spelling"}
To check the frequency of a particular word in the dictionary, a GET request like ‘localhost:52773/simplespellchecker/train/word’ . E.g.:
This will return JSON data with the frequency of this term in the dictionary , something like that:
"frequency": 40,
"actions": [
"title": "Remove term from Trained Model",
"method": "DELETE",
"href": "/simplespellchecker/train/spelling",
"fields": []
You can get swagger Open API 2.0 documentation on: