Release notes

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3365 notes
Version 1.0.2

App short description

24 Aug, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.2

Readme problem

24 Aug, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.1

Publishing images and new url for demo

24 Aug, 2020 José Roberto Pereira
Version 1.0.4

Healthcare standards transformations

23 Aug, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

23 Aug, 2020
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

Version 1.0.1

Added link to the article in the InterSystems Community

21 Aug, 2020 DDaniel Kutac
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

17 Aug, 2020 AAnton Umnikov
FHIR Patient Browser
Version 1.0.1

fix typo

17 Aug, 2020 Timothy Leavitt
Version 1.0.1

Fixed issue with cleanup of projection metadata

15 Aug, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 1.0.2

Postman Collection is introduced to make the calls to FHIR Server REST API endpoint

11 Aug, 2020 Anton Gnibeda
Version 3.0.6


This is alpha release of newly rewritten DSW
with TypeScript and Angular 10 + service workers support.

This version comes with new UI and latest versions
of Highcharts, gridster and other libs.

This version is still not supports:

  • user addons (base addons as map, html text, worldmap are included in bundle already)
  • changing app settings via UI(only configs supported)
  • color adjustments and theming
  • some specific widget settings or features(eg. changing type of chart)
    Also this version can contain several bugs due to code rewrite

Do not install it, if you use features described above.

11 Aug, 2020 Anton Gnibeda
Version 3.0.4

This is alpha release of newly rewritten DSW
with TypeScript and Angular 10 + service workers support.

This version comes with new UI and latest versions
of Highcharts, gridster and other libs.

This version is still not supports:

  • user addons (base addons as map, html text, worldmap are included in bundle already)
  • changing app settings via UI(only configs supported)
  • color adjustments and theming
  • some specific widget settings or features(eg. changing type of chart)
    Also this version can contain several bugs due to code rewrite

Do not install it, if you use features described above.

10 Aug, 2020 Anton Gnibeda
Version 3.0.3

This is alpha release of newly rewritten DSW
with TypeScript and Angular 10 + service workers support.

This version comes with new UI and latest versions
of Highcharts, gridster and other libs.

This version is still not supports:

  • user addons (base addons as map, html text, worldmap are included in bundle already)
  • changing app settings via UI(only configs supported)
  • color adjustments and theming
  • some specific widget settings or features(eg. changing type of chart)
    Also this version can contain several bugs due to code rewrite

Do not install it, if you use features described above.

10 Aug, 2020 José Roberto Pereira
Version 1.0.2

typo fix

10 Aug, 2020 José Roberto Pereira
Version 1.0.1

refactoring of patient's cube source class; addition of patient allergy on patient dashboard; changing for new contest template.

Version 1.0.1

Link to community article

Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

07 Aug, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 1.0.1

App image change

07 Aug, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

05 Aug, 2020 PPhillip Booth
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

05 Aug, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.8

add backlink to DC article

05 Aug, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.4

add backlink to DC article

05 Aug, 2020
Version 1.0.3

fixed app-name

05 Aug, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.4

add dependency of "pretty-json"

05 Aug, 2020
Version 1.0.3

fix URL

05 Aug, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.5

fix URL

05 Aug, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.5

fix URL

05 Aug, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.3

fix URL