Initial Release
English description
1.Application scenarios:
The hospital needs to summarize the data of each department to the hospital headquarters, but after the summary, it is found that the dictionaries used by each department are not unified, and the existing dictionaries in the table need to be replaced by the dictionaries formulated by the hospital. For example, the gender Dictionary of a department uses 0 / 1 / 2 to represent all kinds of genders, and the gender Dictionary of B department uses f / M / O to represent all kinds of genders, but now the hospital requires all gender dictionaries to save the gender information of female / male / other, so it is necessary to replace the original gender dictionary with a new one. This is just a use scenario. In the future, we can consider the design and implementation idea of this project when we need to compare dictionaries.
2.basic environment:
IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2020.1 (Build 215U)
3.Application Technology:
This example uses the multi model structure of iris to complete the modification of the data table record information from the global level to ensure the high speed and efficiency of modification.
4.Deployment steps:
1)、Create a specified mapping table. The table name is the same as the data table name (in this example, the table name is patinfo). The key field holds the name of the field in the table that needs to be compared, and the value field holds the name of the dictionary mapping table。
2)、Create a dictionary mapping table. The key value in this table is the original dictionary value, and the value is the corresponding value of the new dictionary. In this example, the gender comparison relationship table “sextable” and the occupation comparison relationship table “professional table” are listed. At present, the comparison between the original dictionary and the new dictionary needs to be carried out manually. Later, we can try to improve it to program execution。
Note: the lookuptable data in the example can be imported directly using the attached file(PatInfo.xml/ProfessionTable.xml/SexTable.xml)
3)、Prepare the test data, execute the following SQL statement, create the table patinfo and insert the test data
create table PatInfo(
name varchar(20),
sex varchar(20),
age varchar(20),
profession varchar(20))
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhangsan’,‘1’,‘16’,‘002’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘lisi’,‘1’,‘36’,‘001’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘wangwu’,‘2’,‘26’,‘003’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhaoming’,‘F’,‘23’,‘01002’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhangliu’,‘M’,‘45’,‘01003’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘cailun’,‘O’,‘45’,‘001’)
4)、Import run code(DEMO.xml) and execute method
Note: Make sure that lookuptable and this code are in the same namespace
Do ##class(DEMO.DictNormalize).Normalize(“PatInfo”)
5)、Verify whether the data are compared successfully
More details please refer to README.docx
1)install IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2020.1 (Build 215U);
2)create a new namespace with the name self-defined, such as:DemoNS;
3)open Management Protal and switch to “DemoNS” namespace;
4)enter LookupTable page and import file “PatInfo.xml/ProfessionTable.xml/SexTable.xml”;
5)open studio and switch to “DemoNS” namespace;
6)import file “DEMO.xml”
6、How to Test it
1)go to SQL Management page(System > SQL) and switch to “DemoNS” namespace;
2)create the table patinfo and insert the test data:
create table PatInfo(
name varchar(20),
sex varchar(20),
age varchar(20),
profession varchar(20))
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhangsan’,‘1’,‘16’,‘002’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘lisi’,‘1’,‘36’,‘001’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘wangwu’,‘2’,‘26’,‘003’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhaoming’,‘F’,‘23’,‘01002’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhangliu’,‘M’,‘45’,‘01003’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘cailun’,‘O’,‘45’,‘001’)
3)open Terminal and switch to “DemoNS” namespace;
4)run:Do ##class(DEMO.DictNormalize).Normalize(“PatInfo”)
5)check whether the data in the table patinfo has changed. If it has, it means success
IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2020.1 (Build 215U)
create table PatInfo(
name varchar(20),
sex varchar(20),
age varchar(20),
profession varchar(20))
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhangsan’,‘1’,‘16’,‘002’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘lisi’,‘1’,‘36’,‘001’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘wangwu’,‘2’,‘26’,‘003’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhaoming’,‘F’,‘23’,‘01002’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘zhangliu’,‘M’,‘45’,‘01003’);
insert into PatInfo(name,sex,age,profession) values(‘cailun’,‘O’,‘45’,‘001’)
Do ##class(DEMO.DictNormalize).Normalize(“PatInfo”)