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Workshop: InterSystems IRIS Interoperability + PEX using Java

What's new in this version

Initial Release

Workshop: PEX

This repository contains the materials and some examples you can use to learn the basic concepts of PEX (Production EXtension) in IRIS Interoperability.

You can find more in-depth information in https://learning.intersystems.com.

New to IRIS Interoperability framework? Have a look at IRIS Interoperability Intro Workshop.

What do you need to install?


Build the image we will use during the workshop:

$ git clone https://github.com/intersystems-ib/workshop-pex
$ cd workshop-pex
$ docker compose build


(a). FirstDemo interoperability Production

  • Run the containers we will use in the workshop:
docker compose up
  • Then copy some libraries you will need from the iris container. In a VS Code Terminal type:
docker cp iris:/usr/irissys/dev/java/lib/1.8/intersystems-utils-4.1.0.jar java/lib
  • Open the Management Portal.
  • Login using the default superuser/ SYS account.
  • Click on Workshop.PEX.FirstDemo.Production to access the sample interoperability production we will use. You can access also through Interoperability > User > Configure > Production.

(b). Test MessageRouter + FirstOperation

  • Click on FirstOperation Business Operation.
  • Examine the Settings tab, pay attention to: Class Name and Remote Business Operation section. What is the Java Gateway server that is being used?
  • Click on MessageRouter Business Process.
  • In the Actions tab, click on Test. In the Request Type choose Ens.StringRequest and enter some text in the StringValue field. Send the test message.
  • Inspect the resulting Visual Trace.
  • Notice the message that receives each component and their contents.
  • Message Router transforms a Ens.StringRequest to a EnsLib.PEX.Message. You can see the data transform here Workshop.PEX.FirstDemo.DT.StringRequest2PEX.
  • FirstOperation is a very simple Business Operation that is implemented on Java. We will go through it in the next section.

(c). Understanding FirstOperation and Java Gateway

(d). Adding a Business Service and Business Process

(e). Make some changes

Explore more complex scenarios

Have a look at those great examples on using PEX with InterSystems IRIS:

Made with
1.0.024 Feb, 2021
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRISInterSystems IRIS for Health
First published
24 Feb, 2021
Last checked by moderator
07 May, 2024Works