Release notes Keep up with latest product news
3601 notes
Light-weight-EXCEL-download Version 1.1.0
Add demo data DC.Person as namespace SAMPLES is gone
Add test guide
- to use GitHub and Docker
- add test guide + explanation of contenttype
- add hint for browser requirements
- explain screenshots from WIN 10 , Office10 , InterneteExplorer
iris-datapipe Version 2.0.4
Improved search
Added warnings to dashboard
Test Coverage Tool Version 4.0.4
#54: Defend against possible configuration-dependent SQL exceptions in mapping INT to MAC/CLS coverage
DeepSeeWeb Version 4.0.13
map widget was rewritten:
widget was rewritten to use GeoJSON as base format
widget was simplified, for easy usage without need of complex configuration
by default widget uses world GeoJSON, if no custom GeoJSON provided
added auto-detection of markers mode, map can switch modes(polygons/markers) based on data provided
popup was replaced with tooltip and tooltip now always visible during hovering
tooltip now display all data for marker/polygon, no need to set up custom tooltip field(custom tooltip still supported)
fixed issue when tooltip can be rendered offscreen, now tooltip always shown in bounds of widget frame
improved performance
added new design for tooltip
some data properties no longer supported
to use old map widget (will be removed in future versions) add oldmap=1
to query parameters
Updated map documentation
pxw-lib-sql Version 1.0.1
Load samples package automatically.
Git for Shared Development Environments Version 2.6.0
Discards safeguarded by discard stash and warning modal (#455)
Files in uncommitted queue in any namespace warn users when opened except for in VSCode (#370)
Added link back to IRIS management portal from Settings, Git WebUI pages (#449)
Added Import all and Import All (Force) to basic mode menu (#498)
Improved behavior for commits when attribution settings are not configured (#450)
Convert URLs in Sync output UI into clickable links (#497)
Changed prompts in configure from 0/1 to no/yes (#461)
Added warnings when user is using incompatible git version (#488)
Fixed the back button navigation between WebUI and Settings page (#361)
Fixed issues with HL7 file extension inconsistencies (#495)
Basic mode Sync operation now imports items changed on the remote merge branch (#506)
Fetch diff output uses correct remote branch (#509)
Properly handle more cases of truncated filenames from git pull (#511)
Made git-source-control backwards compatible with IRIS 2021.1 (#513)
Sync, pull properly handle more change edge cases for import (#517, #496)
"Status" menu item actually includes branch when IRIS version allows (#472)
IPM in VS Code Version 1.0.5
Support repositories requiring authentication (fix #1 ).
ks-iris-lib Version 1.0.1
Improved class reference documentation. Fix IPM package
iris-datapipe Version 2.0.2
Fixed installation error on IRIS 2022 version
IPM in VS Code Version 1.0.3
Tabulate contents of registry and support install from there.
Add 'Install Latest' command button.
Improve README.
IPM in VS Code Version 1.0.2
Collapsible table.
Sorted rows.
Command buttons.