Release notes
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3477 notes
DeepSeeWebVersion 3.2.24
- MDX with cross joins now correctly displayed in line/area/bar/column charts (#417)
iris-teams-adapterVersion 1.1.0
Added the following parameter in items class for image items
Fixed ports of Docker
yaml-utilsVersion 0.1.4
fix bug when there's a leading indent for the whole file
Server Manager for VS CodeVersion 3.6.0
- Change "Starred" to "Favorites" in command titles (#210).
- Add 'Remove from Recent' to context menu of Recent entry (#213).
- Rename and change logo of View Container (#216):
- Changed the icon from the toolbox to the ISC logo
- Changed the name from InterSystems Tools to InterSystems
- Webpack'ed extension.
- Updated vulnerable dependencies.
- Default Connection Type picker to https if port 443 was specified (#219).
fhirmessageverificationVersion 0.0.8
Add Docker
Install command Docker Compose up - d
Access path ip: 2333/csp/fhirmessageverification/FHIRMESSAGECREATEINDEX.csp
webHERALDVersion 7.0
First Released in 2016, check out our latest Version for your best FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT EXPERIANCE!
iris-climatiq-adapterVersion 1.0.5
- Docker support (Thanks Mr Robert Cemper!)
- Sample production
- Improvements on README with instructions
- Init of beta4 Climatiq API version support (deprecation of beta3 version)