Home Applications ObjectScript-Over-ODBC


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Allow running ObjectScript and especially Global copy over ODBC

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Every now and then you may encounter a situation where for various reasons
ODBC is the only option to access a remote system. Which is sufficient as long as you need to examine or change tables.
But you can’t directly execute some commands or change some Global.

Special thanks @Anna Golitsyna for inspiring me to publish this.

This examples provides 3 Methods projected as SQLprocedure that enable this if other ways of access are blocked.
Typically by some firewall.

SQLprocedure Ping() returns Server::Namespace::$ZV and allows to check the connection
SQLprocedure Xcmd(<commandline>,<resultvar>) executes the command line you submit and returns the result
that you deposit in a variable that you named.
SQLprocedure Gset(<global>,<subscript>,<value>,<$data>) allows you to set or delete a global node

  • <global> is a GlobalName in the remote namespace including leading carret; e.g. ‘^MyGlobal’ (sql quoted!)
  • <subscript> stands for the complete subscript including parenthesis ;e.g. ‘(1,3,“something”,3)’ (sql quoted!)
  • <$data> controls if you set the Global Node or execute a ZKILL on it; e.g. 1, 11 to set, 0,10 to ZKILL
    As you may guess by the name this is especially useful during a Global copy.
    The procedure Gset is designed to make use of Global Scanning described earlier.
    Combined, they allow a Global copy across any ODBC connection.


  • On the remote system you need the class provided with this article in OpenExchange
  • On the local (source) system you need to define the procedures as Linked SQL Procedures
    SMP>System>SQL> Wizards>Link Procedure
    at that time you local package name is defined (in the examples I used zrccEX)
  • If you want to run the Global copy you also need to install the
    Global Scanning class from OEX
    (It is just for comfort)


USER>do $system.SQL.Shell()   
SQL Command Line Shell  
[SQL]USER>>select zrcc_EX.Ping()  
cemper9::CACHE::IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2020.1 (Build 215U) Mon Mar 30 2020 20:14:33 EDT  

Check existence of Global ^rcc

[SQL]USER>>select zrcc_EX.Xcmd('set %y=$d(^rcc)','%y')  
ok: 10  

Set some value to ^rcc4(1,“demo”,3,4)

[SQL]USER>>select zrcc_EX.Gset('^rcc4','(1,"demo",3,4)','this is a demo',1)  
ok: ^rcc4(1,"demo",3,4)  

Do a global copy from ^rcc2 to ^rcc4.
First show ^rcc2

USER>>select reference,value,"$DATA" from rcc_G.Scan where rcc_G.scan('^rcc2',4)=1  
Reference       Value   $Data  
 ^rcc2                  10  
(1)             1       1  
(2)             2       11  
(2,"xx")                10  
(2,"xx",1)      "XX1"   1  
(2,"xx",10)     "XX10"  1  
(2,"xx",4)      "XX4"   1  
(2,"xx",7)      "XX7"   1  
(3)             3       1  
(4)             4       11  
(4,"xx")                10  
(4,"xx",1)      "XX1"   1  
(4,"xx",10)     "XX10"  1  
(4,"xx",4)      "XX4"   1  
(4,"xx",7)      "XX7"   1  
(5)             5       1  
16 Rows(s) Affected  

Now run the copy to remote global

[SQL]USER>>select zrcc_EX.Gset('^rcc4',reference,value,"$DATA")  from rcc_G.Scan where rcc_G.scan('^rcc2',4)=1  
ok: ^rcc4  
ok: ^rcc4(1)  
ok: ^rcc4(2)  
ok: ^rcc4(2,"xx")  
ok: ^rcc4(2,"xx",1)  
ok: ^rcc4(2,"xx",10)  
ok: ^rcc4(2,"xx",4)  
ok: ^rcc4(2,"xx",7)  
ok: ^rcc4(3)  
ok: ^rcc4(4)  
ok: ^rcc4(4,"xx")  
ok: ^rcc4(4,"xx",1)  
ok: ^rcc4(4,"xx",10)  
ok: ^rcc4(4,"xx",4)  
ok: ^rcc4(4,"xx",7)  
ok: ^rcc4(5)  
 16 Rows(s) Affected  

Article in DC

Demo Server SMP
Demo Server WebTerminal

Code Quality

Made with
zpm install ISOS-over-ODBC download archive
1.0.305 Dec, 2022
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
Works with
CachéEnsembleInterSystems IRIS
First published
21 Nov, 2020
Last edited
26 Nov, 2024
Last checked by moderator
26 Nov, 2024Works