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Add installation of intersystem fhir server
After creation, it is necessary to import production :FoundationProduction.cls
tips:If the CSS and JavaScript files on the homepage have not been imported, the following configuration can be modified,both /csp/FHIR-OCR-AI/css and /csp/FHIR-OCR-AI/js
Add installation of intersystem fhir server
After creation, it is necessary to import production :FoundationProduction.cls
tips:If the CSS and JavaScript files on the homepage have not been imported, the following configuration can be modified,both /csp/FHIR-OCR-AI/css and /csp/FHIR-OCR-AI/js
Add different versions of fhir options and modify the method of obtaining resource names
Version 1.9.0
Option Added: Enable Text Compare as default.
New setting on options page to enable text compare without having to toggle the button.
Feature Added: Splitscreen Comparisons
A green button now appears on messages when the splitscreen option is available. This allows you to see messages side by side making it easier to compare longer messages.
Feature Added: Custom Colours
Create and apply custom header colours to Instances and Namespaces.
Set the background, backup background (for use when trying to do gradient background colours and sharing instances objects across a team using different browsers), text colour and link colour.
To overwrite one of the default colours create a new colour with the same name.
Feature Added: Custom Page Titles & Saved Pages
Added a right click menu item on all pages to change the current page title. Useful if you've got several message pages open so you can differentiate easily via the tab name.
Changing a page title saves the page in searchable local storage so you can open it again later. Click the extension's icon to view the saved pages section.
This is useful if you have multiple message tabs open and want to easily differentiate between them.
Feature Updated: Instances & Namespaces:
Updated from a form to a table so that you can easily see your instance & namespace setup while editing. Automatically saves as you're editing so no need to click a save button anymore.
Feature Updated: Settings:
Automatically saves as you're editing so no need to click a save button anymore.
Feature Updated: Whiz Button Bar
Restructured buttons into roughly related groups to make it easier to read. I'm not sure about it. Let me know what you think!