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This is a set of utilities for working with PKCS#7 files. It is based on the python libraries asn1crypto
and pyopenssl
This utility is intended to be used with IRIS and IRIS for Heath from an COS environment.
It’s distributed on ZPM/IPM.
zpm "install pkcs7-utils"
with pip :
pip install https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-pkcs7-util/releases/download/v0.0.1/iris_gen_cms-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
set tUtils = ##class(dc.cms.Encrypt).%New()
set tCertFileName = "/path/to/cert/file.crt.pem"
set tKeyFileName = "/path/to/key/file.key.pem"
set tPassPhrase = "***********"
set tContent = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
set tStream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
do tStream.LinkToFile("/path/to/output/file/for/cms/binary.cms")
$$$ThrowOnError(tUtils.CreateCMSStream(tContent,tCertFileName, tKeyFileName, tPassPhrase, .tStream))
set tsc = tStream.%Save()
gencms -h
usage: gencms [-h] content_filename cert_filename key_filename key_password output_filename
Generate a CMS file
positional arguments:
content_filename the file to sign
cert_filename the certificate to use
key_filename the private key to use
key_password the private key password
output_filename the output CMS file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
gencms misc\in\test.txt misc\cert\asip-p12-EL-TEST-ORG-SIGN-20240304-094358.crt.pem misc\cert\asip-p12-EL-TEST-ORG-SIGN-20240304-094358.key.pem Intersystems2024! misc/out/toto.cms