A small set od DeepSee dashboards for selected system monitor metrics - data collected by %SYSMONMGR utility.
Example of Deepsee usage for Caché© Audit
SALTstack is a deployment library. Links: Wikipedia(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(software)) Official site(https://www.saltstack.com/)
Github API for InterSystems Caché
It is a generic REST API backend for modern web applications.
Removes system ($) methods from the codebase. Tool for InterSystems Caché
Sync GitHub repositories into InterSystems Cache.
Simple UI for RESTForms based on AngularJS
Visualization tools and analysis of time series data
InterSystems iKnow Reviews Analyzer General approach to build sentiment review analysis projects with InterSystems iKnow
CNA is a wrapper for libffi.
Demo application to build rule patterns based on sequences of terms to be matched, based on InterSystems' iKnow technology
It is a web UI for inspecting Caché Monitor (%MONLBL) results.
Simple REST API to provide notifications
Demo application for data-driven modelling, building or refining a dictionary through exploratory analysis of text using InterSystems' iKnow technology
Caché Community Package Manager
Information Extraction demo app based on InterSystems' iKnow technology
Work with Amazon Kindle bookmarks and highlights in InterSystems Caché
Sign and verify in SMIME format using InterSystems Ensemble
Cache websockets tutorial
Set Analysis Demo app for InterSystems' iKnow technology
Javascript syntax highlighter
Simple Map-Reduce interface implementation for InterSystems ObjectScript
relog ISC cache SYSLOG without loss due to SYSLOG is cyclic
Ensemble Log Viewer with namespace support. Works on Ensemble 2013.1 and later.
Remote Code Execution for InterSystems Caché
Easy admin interface to GlobalsDB
Map methods calls in InterSystems Cache database across classes
The administrative interface to GlobalsDB
Search and categorization for InterSystems Documentation with iKnow and iFind
Syntax colorizer for Cache ObjectScript. Output is HTML