Home Applications ObjectScript Visual Editor

ObjectScript Visual Editor

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A Web-based touch-friendly IDE for InterSystems products which allows to create and manage classes literally without touching any code. However, you can also edit code and use embedded WebTerminal there.

What's new in this version

Updated names & info

ObjectScript Visual Editor (beta)

A Web-based user interface for InterSystems products (IRIS, Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare, etc) which allows to create and manage classes
literally without touching any code.


  • Simple, intuitive, web-based visual class editing tool for both desktop and touchscreen devices;
  • Supports all basic class editing functionality:
    • Adding/deleting classes, editing class keywords, comments, etc;
    • Adding/deleting/altering class members: parameters, properties, methods, queries, xDatas, indices;
    • Convenient code editing for methods and xDatas;
    • Editing all class members keywords with inputs, drop-downs and suggestions;
    • XData code highlight (ObjectScript highlighting is coming!);
  • Embedded web terminal if Web Terminal is installed in the system;
  • Smart class members grouping, folding and convenient interface, adaptive design;
  • More features!


Screenshot 0

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

InterSystems Products Support

ObjectScript Visual Editor is supported by InterSystems’ products of version 2016.1 and higher.


Download the latest release from here and import
XML file into IRIS/Caché/etc by one of the next ways:

  • Just drag’n’drop the XML file on the Studio window;
  • OR Go to the Management Portal -> System Explorer -> Classes -> Import and select the XML file;
  • OR Execute do $system.OBJ.Load("C:\path\to\file\FileToImport.xml","ck") in terminal.

Then check the installation output, it should say “Installation is complete!”.

After this, open the next web-application: http://[host]/VisualEditor/
(slash at the end is required).


  • NodeJS v10
  • Python v2
$ git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:intersystems-community/objectscript-visual-editor.git
$ cd objectscript-visual-editor
$ python --version
Python 2.7.18
$ nvm use 10
Now using node v10.24.1 (npm v6.14.12)
$ npm install
$ npm run gulp

For ZPM, build directory is transformed to use relative class paths.


To participate in development of this application, you need Git, NodeJS and
InterSystems’ Products of version 2016.2+ to be installed (due to UDL import support).

The development process of this application happens completely outside embedded IDEs in a form of files. It includes
structured file tree under source directory, where each file can be edited in your favorite text

At first, clone the repository. It contains submodules, so use the --recursive flag when cloning:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/intersystems-community/objectscript-visual-editor
cd objectscript-visual-editor

Then you have to install all the project dependencies by running this command from the project’s

npm install

And now you are ready to build the project from the sources!

Building and testing

This time and each next run this:

npm run gulp

Take your ready to import sources in build/cache folder.

One-command build and XML export

To simplify development on Windows (scripts for other platforms are welcome),
make the copy of import.bat file and edit the path to your IRIS/Caché/etc instance there.
Then you can just use one command import to deploy the project from source to IRIS/Caché.

After setting import.bat up, just by one command import you get the next:

  1. Project is built by Gulp;
  2. VisualEditor package is imported into IRIS/Caché;
  3. The XML file containing ready-to-deploy package is exported to build directory.
Made with
2019.131 Mar, 2019
Developer Environment
Works with
CachéEnsembleHealthShareInterSystems IRIS
First published
27 Sep, 2018
Last edited
31 Mar, 2019
Last checked by moderator
15 Oct, 2024Works