Release notes
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3477 notes
zpm-registryVersion 1.0.4
The problem with large packages publication is fixed
DeepSeeWebVersion 2.1.47
fixed bubble chart data issue
DeepSeeWebVersion 2.1.46
fixed bubble chart overflow issue
DeepSeeWebVersion 2.1.45
- fixed issue with chart options
- added top records support for bubble chart
- fixed bubbles size on bubble chart
- changed data processing for bubble chart
- fixed localStorage.devAddons support for debug
JSON-FilterVersion 1.4.4
- fix issue with $$$JSFilterCriteria macro
DeepSeeWebVersion 2.1.44
fixed bubble chart issues with some cases
JSON-FilterVersion 1.4.3
- Fix a zpm issue with intersystemsdc/iris-community:2020. image base
iris-rest-api-templateVersion 1.0.6
REST API module.xml is minimized according to [zpm 0.2.1](