RESTful web api for MDX to JSON transformation (plus JSONP and XML/A) for InterSystems Caché. Also provides information about DeepSee objects.
Simple REST API web app which accepts SQL and returns the result in JSON
A cli command like "iris init" which prompt several questions like "Do you want a REST API ? ", "Do you want Analytics modules ?" etc etc... And once the command is done, a blank project is generated with the skeleton of the code
Wrap JSON to multi lines / Test ISJSON
A function to check if string is JSON object
Use %JSON.Adaptor for object snapshot
fast JSON formatting in IRIS
fast JSON formating for Caché / Ensemble
ObjectScript server side JSON filter.
Simple ObjectScript YAML-to-JSON converter
Display trace as JSON
offer a list of demo repos
Transform HL7 messages to JSON
A sample IRIS Backend app to implement a REST API for a helpdesk
Sample for object method %JSON.Export for M:N Relationship
Export M:N Relationship with JSON using SQL
Convert FHIR XML to JSON resource message structure
Load JSONfile into Global
export an XLarge Global into a JSON object file
create a JSON Object from Global nodes in use
create a compact JSON Object from Global
JSON Object from Global using embedded Python only
Export a Global into a JSON file and re-create using embedded Py
This application allows you to import data into IRIS from various sources in a simple way.
Learn the main ideas involved in developing a Smart Data Fabric using InterSystems IRIS
%ZEN.proxyObject send numeric as String
Little tool to create persistent or message classes for InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS For Health from JSON input. The created classes will extend %JSON.Adaptor
%JSON, with SemVer, in the open
An IRIS Interoperability REST Operation Framework
create JSON Object from Global and with Importer in all details
InterSystems IRIS JSON Schema support.