Added "Relationship" to parentchild Relationship properties. This change avoids possible conflicts in property names.
Little tool to create persistent or message classes for InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS For Health from JSON input
This little tool can be leveraged to create peristent classes or InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS For Health message classes from JSON files or JSON streams.
This can be helpful if you receive JSON input and you have to further process it in InterSystems IRIS or InterSystems IRIS For Health.
The generated classes extend %JSON.Adaptor and once you have created the persistent schema, it is easy to wokr with the JSON input or just save it in InterSystems IRIS.
The generator currently supports the following features.
The generator provides a couple of sample methods:
There are two generateor methods GenerateClasses and GenerateClassesFromStream. The basically do the same. The first one takes a file as input source, the second one takes a stream as source
The flag pIRISMessageClass controls whether IRIS message classes are created. You can directly use these classes in a interoperability production.
The flag pCompile controls whether the newly generated classes are automatically compiled.
To use this tool, just load and compile the class ISC.SE.Tools.JSON.cls into your namespace.
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
docker-compose up -d
Open IRIS terminal:
docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ##class(ISC.SE.Tools.JSON).TestImport()
And observe the execution of the example
Load Status: 1 file opened, file length: 230 dynamic Object successfully created! tTree(1,"sring_property_1")=$lb("string","This is a string") tTree(2,"numeric_property_2")=$lb("number",3.1) tTree(3,"boolean_property_3")=$lb("boolean","1") tTree(4,"obj_property_4")=$lb("object","7@%Library.DynamicObject") tTree(4,"obj_property_4",1,"property_1")=$lb("string","value_1") tTree(4,"obj_property_4",2,"property_2")=$lb("array","6@%Library.DynamicArray","tFirstmember")
building class: Sample.Import.ExampleImport
adding property : sring_property_1 with type: string
adding property : numeric_property_2 with type: number
adding property : boolean_property_3 with type: boolean
adding object-reference for property: obj_property_4
building class: Sample.Import.ExampleImport.objproperty4
adding property : property_1 with type: string
classes generated!
Compilation started on 07/14/2021 18:50:30 with qualifiers 'crk'
Compiling 2 classes
Compiling class Sample.Import.ExampleImport.objproperty4
Compiling class Sample.Import.ExampleImport
Compiling table Sample_Import_ExampleImport.objproperty4
Compiling table Sample_Import.ExampleImport
Compiling routine Sample.Import.ExampleImport.objproperty4.1
Compiling routine Sample.Import.ExampleImport.1
Compilation finished successfully in 0.195s.Made New Class
Parsing Tested and complete
See sample-screenshot below: