Release notes

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3365 notes
12 Jun, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Game Of Throne Analytics
Version 1.0.1

Updated the demo link and made it as ZPM package

12 Jun, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Game Of Throne Analytics
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

10 Jun, 2020 Lorenzo Scalese
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

07 Jun, 2020 MMuni Ganesh
Version 1.0.2

Added Update and Delete options, fixed warning messages during build

06 Jun, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.2

added smaller icon

06 Jun, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 1.1.5

bug fix for delimeters other than comma

06 Jun, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.6

Including video.

05 Jun, 2020 Robert Cemper
Version 1.0.1

image + video added

04 Jun, 2020 Timothy Leavitt
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

04 Jun, 2020 OOleh Dontsov
IRIS Data Migration Manager
Version 1.2.1

added community article

04 Jun, 2020 OOleh Dontsov
IRIS Data Migration Manager
Version 1.2.0

added JSON import
updated UI
fixed bugs

03 Jun, 2020 Nikita Mullin
ObjectScript Kernel
Version 1.0.1

Read me update

03 Jun, 2020 SSergey Kamenev
Perfomance comparison of IRIS Native API and EAV-approach
Version 1.0.2

Correct link for browser

03 Jun, 2020 JJose Tomas Salvador
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

03 Jun, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.5

Adding a chatbot with possibility of retraining the conversation by a form.

OData Server for IRIS
Version 1.1.1

Link with an community article tutorial to learn how to use this app

02 Jun, 2020 MMuni Ganesh
Version 1.0.1

Added documentation,application screens and fixed some bugs.

02 Jun, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.4

Adding global viewer graph chart. Improving the layout.

02 Jun, 2020 SSergey Kamenev
Perfomance comparison of IRIS Native API and EAV-approach
Version 1.0.1

Added tests and results on browser page.

01 Jun, 2020 Henry Pereira
Version 1.0.5
  • Translated ru comments into en
  • Removed Basic prompt
  • Removed Form.JSON.Obj - it's not used anymore (%JSON.Adapter instead)
01 Jun, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.2


01 Jun, 2020 Evgeny Shvarov
Version 1.1.4

delimiter bugfix

31 May, 2020 OOleh Dontsov
IRIS Data Migration Manager
Version 1.0.1

updated description in readme

OData Server for IRIS
Version 1.1.0

Included support to IRIS Java Native API

31 May, 2020 MMuni Ganesh
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

31 May, 2020 RRenato Banzai
Version 1.0.1

Update the readme and push some new functionalities:

OData Server for IRIS
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

30 May, 2020 OOleh Dontsov
IRIS Data Migration Manager
Version 1.0.0

Initial Release