Home Applications appmsw-telestat


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Ineroperability manages a Telegram Admin_bot and Informant_bot in providing content.

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Organization of message notification and provision of information to users of the messenger Telegam using two bots.

Solution based on project

During the installation and configuration process, we will create an informant bot and an admin bot, which will allow the informant bot to provide users with the requested content.

Installation with ZPM

zpm:USER>install appmsw-telestat

Installation with Docker


Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.


Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone https://github.com/SergeyMi37/appmsw-telestat.git

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose build
  1. Run the IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris

Before starting the installation

If you do not have a Telegram messenger account, then this is just a reason to create it.
So, let’s create an administrator bot. To do this, find BotsFather, join it and enter the /newbot command.

Then we will create an informant bot and save their names and tokens to enter when installing the module using the package manager.

Open IRIS terminal:

zpm:USER>install appmsw-telestat

Or if from docker

zpm:USER>load /opt/irisapp

[appmsw-telestat] Module object refreshed.
[appmsw-telestat] Validate START
[appmsw-telestat] Validate SUCCESS
[appmsw-telestat] Compile START
[appmsw-telestat] Compile SUCCESS
[appmsw-telestat] Activate START
[appmsw-telestat] Configure START
Shall we enter names and tokens ? [y,n] <y> y

Enter the username of the admin bot IrisContestAdminInformerbot
Enter the token to access of the admin bot 794:AAGjZjag9Yr6LzYVbRESIBqk3HIbc
Enter the number phone of the admin bot 77777777 [7777777]
Enter the username of the informer bot IrisContestInformerbot [IrisContestInformerbot]
Enter the token to access of the informer bot sY5NxkS0QXRXdjxmbrIWJWLOA

If you make a mistake, or BotFather changed the token, you can always retry later by performing a utility ##class(appmsw.telestat.API.util).Init()
Product items changed successfully

[appmsw-telestat] Configure SUCCESS
[appmsw-telestat] Activate SUCCESS

The program memorized names, tokens and phone numbers in the table appmsw.telestat.Bots
After that, we will open the product and launch it.

Configuring a bot admin

Find the created admin bot in Telegram, connect to it and execute the command /start
And we will show him our phone number. Exactly the one that we entered during the installation.
If all is well, we will receive a message:
Your number has been successfully accepted OK

Your number is not included in the allowed table. Check the correctness of the initial data

Now ChatId is attached to the administrator’s phone.
You can test notifications to the Admin bot with a command in the terminal

user>zwrite ##class(appmsw.telestat.API.util).ToAdmin("Contest")

Configuring a bot informant

We will find the informant in the telegram created by the bot and connect to it by pressing the START button.
The product service will prepare a message and also offer to show the phone number.

The bot admin will receive a message about sending the phone, and by selecting the Allow or Deny buttons, you will make a decision that will come in response to the bot informant.

But even if access to information was denied, ChatId and the phone number were entered in the appmsw.telestat.Bots table and the bot informant can be sent a message using the utility

user>zwrite ##class(appmsw.telestat.API.util).ToInformer("7971111111",,,"Hello don't be sad")

The configuration work has been completed and you can see what is available out of the box.

For bot admin, if you enter /start

iris informer example admin
Bot administration service for tracking Ensemble and IRIS servers. Can take commands: 

/GetLastAlerts - Get last alerts. Server: 'hp-msw'
/ServersStatus - Get a list of monitored instances
/Userlist - Get a list of users receiving information about servers and their status

For the administrator bot, it is possible to view and edit user attributes with the /Userlist command

Another command /GetLastAlerts is implemented more as an example.

And the appmsw.telestat.TelegramServiceAlert service is configured to periodically check system messages and if their level of importance is more than 2, display them to all users connected to the bot informant who have the notification field set to yes

The list of commands and content is expanding. It is enough to create your own class similar to appmsw.telestat.API.commands And a method GetCommands For a list of commands and GetAlerts To get content on them.

Teams and content can be differentiated between users by groups.
This solution has been configured and tested in Long polling mode. But it can be configured in Webhook mode too.
SSL configuration is created automatically.

Made with
zpm install appmsw-telestat download archive
1.0.321 Jul, 2021
Ideas portal
Works with
EnsembleInterSystems IRIS
First published
14 Nov, 2020
Last edited
21 Jul, 2021