InterSystems Datasets Contest

Topic and Rules

Present a repository that will load a dataset into the InterSystems IRIS namespace.

This could be done ideally with a ZPM package, and the data can be inside the package, or the package can have a method that loads data from the URL into the IRIS instance. Anyways your project, once installed, should bring a class (classes) and its data for it that are related to a particular topic, subject area, idea, industry, name it.

The project should suggest how to use data - SQL query, REST API, or both.

Visualization of the data is a plus. Both visualization and API (if any) can be delivered with another project, but it’s not mandatory.

We don’t limit you in the ways, how the data can be stored in the repository. E.g., this could be:

Export of the global(-s) (preferably in XML than in GOF format).
An SQL script that creates data
An ObjectScript (or java, js, python, name it) that generates data in IRIS
Integration with external Data API

Here are the project examples, that deliver the thing:


  1. Class naming convention. Start the class names with: E.g. if there is a dataset on trading data the class names could be:,
  2. The reference to the source of data. If you take the dataset from somewhere on the Internet and just adapt it to InterSystems IRIS format please provide the link to the source. If this is your data please provide the license of the usage.
  3. The ZPM package should start with a“dataset-” name, e.g. dataset-countries, dataset-titanic.
  4. And as usual, we’ll have technical bonuses for docker, demo, article, zpm, video, etc.
  5. Provide the license to a dataset.

Common license types for datasets (the source)

General Requirements:

👉 Full details on topic and requirements can be found in this post.

Technology bonuses

If the application satisfies some additional requirements listed here, it gets additional technology votes.

Who can participate

Any Developer Community member, except for InterSystems employees (ISC contractors allowed). Create an account!

Developers can team up to create a collaborative application. Allowed from 2 to 5 developers in one team. Don't forget to highlight your team members in the README of your application – DC user profiles.

How to apply

Log in to Open Exchange, open your application page, make sure that it meets the requirements, and click the "Apply for Contest" button. Your application will be sent for approval and once approved will appear on the Contest page eventually.

Prizes and nominations

Experts Nomination

  • 1st place - $4,000
  • 2nd place - $2,000
  • 3rd place - $1,000
  • 4-10th places - $100

Community Nomination

  • 1st place - $1,000
  • 2nd place - $500
  • 3rd place - $250

Terms and conditions, rules, and judgment criteria

By participating in the contest you agree with the following Terms and Conditions.

Visit contest page to read and discuss the rules, nominations & judgment criteria.

Join InterSystems Discord to chat about requirements, technology, voting, etc.

Read more
11 Registered Application(s)