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This is an application to get Health Data samples for AutoML and another types of applications.
According to the WHO, The top global causes of death, in order of total number of lives lost, are associated with three broad topics (source: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death):
This application provides real data (without personal data) for some of these top 10 scenarios of diseases identified by WHO. The datasets for this application are:
$ git clone https://github.com/yurimarx/automl-heart.git
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
age, bp, chestPainType, cholesterol, ekgResults, exerciseAngina, fbsOver120, heartDisease, maxHr, numberOfVesselsFluro, sex, slopeOfSt, stDepression, thallium
FROM dc_data_health.HeartDisease
age, al, ane, appet, ba, bgr, bp, bu, cad, classification, dm, hemo, htn, pc, pcc, pcv, pe, pot, rbc, rc, sc, sg, sod, su, wc
FROM dc_data_health.KidneyDisease
Outcome, age, bloodpressure, bmi, diabetespedigree, glucose, insulin, pregnancies, skinthickness
FROM dc_data_health.Diabetes
areamean, arease, areaworst, compactnessmean, compactnessse, compactnessworst, concavepointsmean, concavepointsse, concavepointsworst, concavitymean, concavityse, concavityworst, diagnosis, fractaldimensionmean, fractaldimensionse, fractaldimensionworst, perimetermean, perimeterse, perimeterworst, radiusmean, radiusse, radiusworst, smoothnessmean, smoothnessse, smoothnessworst, symmetrymean, symmetryse, symmetryworst, texturemean, texturese, textureworst
FROM dc_data_health.BreastCancer
BS, BodyTemp, DiastolicBP, HeartRate, RiskLevel, SystolicBP, age
FROM dc_data_health.MaternalHealthRisk
age, aniongap, atrialfibrillation, basophils, bicarbote, bloodcalcium, bloodpotassium, bloodsodium, bmi, chdwithnomi, chloride, copd, creatinekise, creatinine, deficiencyanemias, depression, diabetes, diastolicbloodpressure, ef, gendera, glucose, "group", heartrate, hematocrit, hyperlipemia, hypertensive, inr, lacticaacid, leucocyte, lymphocyte, magnesiumion, mch, mchc, mcv, neutrophils, ntprobnp, outcome, pco2, ph, platelets, pt, rbc, rdw, relfailure, respiratoryrate, spo2, systolicbloodpressure, temperature, ureanitrogen, urineoutput
FROM dc_data_health.HospitalMortality
AdultMortality, Alcohol, BMI, Country, Diphtheria, GDP, HIVAIDS, HepatitisB, IncomeCompositionOfResources, InfantDeaths, LifeExpectancy, Measles, PercentageExpenditure, Polio, Population, Schooling, Status, Thinness1To19Years, Thinness5To9Years, TotalExpenditure, UnderFiveDeaths, Year
FROM dc_data_health.LifeExpectancy
Country, CountryCode, DeathYear, ExcessMortality
FROM dc_data_health.PollutionDeaths
ASF, Age, CDR, EDUC, Genre, Hand, MMSE, MRDelay, Outcome, SES, Visit, eTIV, nWBV
FROM dc_data_health.Dementia
age, albumin, alkphosphate, anorexia, antivirals, ascites, bilirubin, fatigue, histology, liverbig, liverfirm, malaise, outcome, protime, sex, sgot, spiders, spleenpalpable, steroid, varices
FROM dc_data_health.Hepatitis
It’s packaged with ZPM so it could be installed as:
zpm "install dataset-health"