Updated readme, fixed some issues
Python Faker library through Embedded Python support in InterSystems IRIS with UI
Faker helps to generate some fake data, but similar to real data. While InterSystems’s Populate can only generate only very random text just from letters or numbers. Faker has many realizations for some other languages, such as NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Ruby. And this project uses Python’s realization with embedded Python feature in IRIS.
Python Faker has
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone https://github.com/caretdev/iris-python-faker.git
Open the terminal in this directory and run the command to build and run IRIS container:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose up --build -d
Check the port selected for web by Docker with command
docker-compose ps
And open in the browser http://localhost:52773/faker/index.html (Replace 52773 port with port from ps’s output). Or from menu in VSCode.
The package is available to be installed with zpm.
zpm "install python-faker"
It requires IRIS version with Python Embedded feature (2021.2+) and package faker installed with python-pip.
Add rows to table, as many as many columns you need in generating table. Select datatypes from the list of available types, and enter name for colummn.
On the bottom toolbar, you can select Locale, and change the amount of preview rows to be generated on each change.
Generate button, will open a dialog, where you will be able to enter how many rows to generate and desired class name. If you wish to add data to an existing class uncheck Create class
. In case of any errors happend on the server side during generation, it will show the error message.
It is also possible to generate new data programmatically
Set params = { "rows": 3, // How many rows generate "className": (className), // Where to store generated data "locale": "en", // Select Locale for generated data "columns": [{ "type": "person_name", "name": "name" }, { "type": "date_of_birth", "name": "dob" }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "flag" }] } Set faker = ##class("caretdev.Faker.Main").%New() Do faker.%JSONImport(params) Quit:'$$$AssertStatusOK(faker.GenerateClass()) Do $ClassMethod(className, "%KillExtent")
Set result = faker.Generate()
If $Extract(result)=0 Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(result)
Write !,"Rows created",result.created
Or just generate without saving to class
Set params = { "previewRows": 3, // How many items generate "locale": "en", // Select Locale for generated data "columns": [{ "type": "person_name", "name": "name" }, { "type": "date_of_birth", "name": "dob" }, { "type": "boolean", "name": "flag" }] } Set faker = ##class("caretdev.Faker.Main").%New() Do faker.%JSONImport(params)
Set result = faker.Generate()
If $Extract(result)=0 Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(result)
Set items = result."getitem"("items")
Set count = items."len"()
For i=0:1:count-1 {
Set item = items."getitem"(i)
Set name = item."getitem"("name")
Set dob = item."getitem"("dob")
Set flag = item."getitem"("flag")