InterSystems IRIS interoperability template: a simple interoperability application which reads data from Reddit and filters it.
Inbound and Outbound adapters for Google Sheets
Expand the InterSystems market by introducing integration and adaptors for DHIS2. DHIS2 is an open source health data platform developed by the HISP: (
An ObjectScript Implementation for the MTConnect Standard.
This adapter allows you to send SSE events from IRIS using Mercu
Firebase adaptor
Workshop with example of FHIR Adapter
This demo shows how to use the IRIS Telegram Adapter.
Telegram adapter for InterSystems IRIS
Sample showing how to use InterSystems IRIS FTP Adapter
Forms adapter for InterSystems IRIS RAD Studio
An adapter that enables you to "serialize" and "deserialize" class instances to and from a DynamicObject. It supports array and list properties. See github for more information.