Example about a project based on InterSystems IRIS and FHIR Adapter capabilities work with FHIR.
You can find more in-depth information in
What do you need to install?
Build the image that we will use during the workshop:
$ git clone
$ cd workshop-fhir-adapter
$ docker-compose build
With FHIR Adapter you can leverage the capability of InterSystems IRIS for Health to work with FHIR objects. You will be able to create a FHIR Façade to communicate your legacy systems and the new app based on FHIR definitions.
How to run the container?
Very easy! Just run the following command to start the IRIS instance:
$ docker-compose up -d
What are you going to find in this project?
- An IRIS for Health Community version with FHIR Adapter installed and accesible from the Management Portal (user: superuser / password: sys):
- A PostgreSQL database running some basic tables to test the FHIR Adapter functionality.
- A database explorer called Adminer (user: testuser / password: testpassword) with namespace and database pre-configured.
- A Postman json file to launch the test directly from your own Postman
How to test this project?
Adding patient resouce
- Check the PostgreSQL tables preloaded from Adminer

- Open your Postman and import file /postman/FHIR Adapter.postman_collection.json

- Select Add person and click on Send. You will receive as response the new resource of type Patient added into PostgreSQL database.

- Confirm that the patient has been saved into Patient table.

Searching patient resource
- From Postman click on Search person and update URL with the ID returned for the patient from the previous point (ie.: http://localhost:52774/Adapter/r4/Patient/4)
- Click on Send and confirm that the resource returned belongs to the patient created previously.

Adding patient and organization from a Bundle
- From Postman select Add person bundle and check the Bundle. You will notice that we have 2 type of resources, Organization and Patient, we are going to save both of them in just one transaction.

- Click on Send again and confirm that the response from IRIS is a new Bundle: