Home Applications telegram-adapter-demo


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This demo shows how to use the IRIS Telegram Adapter.

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Telegram Adapter Demo

This demo shows how to use the Telegram Adapter.

Telegram Adapter package: https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/telegram-adapter

With this app, the bot responds to any message in chats.

How to install this Demo:

  1. Create a Telegram bot and obtain a token (see instructions below)
  2. Make sure you have IPM installed in your InterSystems IRIS.
    Open Terminal. Select IRIS Namespace with Interoperability Enabled.
USER>zpm "install telegram-adapter-demo -D TgToken=your_telegram_token"

How to run the Demo:

  1. Open the production Telegram.Demo.EchoProduction
  2. Check the required parameters to connect to telegram API in the Telegram.BusinessOperation business operation and in the Telegram.LongPollingService business service (Connection Settings block)
    • Server (usually api.telegram.org)
    • Token
    • SSL Configuration
  3. Check the parameters in the Telegram.LongPollingService service (Telegram Settings block).
    Make sure the FilesPath parameter is set to an existing path on your server.
    The FilesSave, FilesMimeTypes and FilesPath parameters are used to work with incoming files.
  4. Create a chat on telegram
  5. Add the created bot as a user to the chat and grant it administrator rights.
  6. Launch the production
  7. Add another user to the chat - you will see a greeting from IRIS.
  8. Write something in the chat - you will see the echo from IRIS.
  9. Send .png file to the chat - if telegram can create a preview for this file, you will see this preview

How to get a telegram token

Use telegram bot @BotFather. Use the /newbot command to create a new bot - you will receive a token (token example 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw). Read more here https://core.telegram.org/bots/features#botfather.

Made with
zpm install telegram-adapter-demo download archive
1.1.221 Jun, 2023
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
09 Jun, 2023
Last edited
21 Jun, 2023
Last checked by moderator
30 Aug, 2023Works