Initial Release
Important : To make maintenance easier, this package has been merged with openapi-suite ( Link to GitHub repository ). Consider this package deprecated and replaced by openapi-suite (classes have kept the same name)
This is a tiny http client for openapi-suite.
It’s useful if you want to generate code from a remote openapi-suite installation and avoid install all code generation tools on your local instance.
zpm "install openapi-suite-client"
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and call the command to build and run InterSystems IRIS in container:
docker-compose up -d
To open IRIS Terminal do:
docker-compose exec iris iris session iris -U IRISAPP
; remote openapi-suite rest service url : Set server = ""
; Specification could be an URL, filepath or a stream.
Set specification = ""; Package name for generated classes.
Set packageName = "petstoreclient"; available type :
; - "client" : to generate http client classes.
; - "production" : to generate production client classes.
; - "rest" : to generate REST server classes
Set type = "client"
Set sc = ##class(dc.openapi.suite.client.RemoteCodeGen).Generate(specification, packageName, type, server)
More information about open-suite are available on this DC article.