Updated saving procedure for faster saving
IRIS FHIR OpenAPI Spec generator
Generator combines data from:
FHIR server complience statement (/metadata resource)
IRIS ^HS.FHIRServer.Meta
Definitions and examples from https://hl7.org/FHIR/
And generates fully annotated OpenAPI v3 spec for all 133 resources and one "MEGASPEC", containing all resources and schemas.
There are four steps:
Generate basic swagger2 spec, based on metadata (java code from 3rd party repo)
Extract data from ^HS.FHIRServer.Meta global (object script)
Convert Swagger2 to OpenAPI 3 spec (python)
Annotate spec with data from hl7.org site, merge with data extracted from global, generate 133 resource-specific and 1 "megaspec" (python)
add examples from hl4.org to resource - specific specs (python)
FHIR Swagger
https://github.com/rbren/fhir-swagger (see repo's README.md for instructions)
Generates basic Swagger2 definition from FHIR server complience statement
!!! not in this repo
fhir-swagger \
--fhir_url "http://<your_base>/app/FHIR/r4" \
--conformance_path="/metadata?_format=application/json" \
--r4 \
--output ./fhir-swagger/iris-swagger.json
Extract information from IRIS FHIR server metadata
iris session iris
Convert swagger 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0 spec
Add content-type
python3 Convert2to3/ConvertFile.py
annotate - enhance OpenAPI definitions with descriptions from hl7.org
merge with data from ^HS.FHIR.Meta global
add OAuth2 security
python3 Annotate3/AnnotateFiles.py
add payload examples to resource OpenAPI specs
python3 AddExample3/AddExamples.py
Full process can also be run using ObjectScript Full Process/Preprocessing code
iris session iris
FHIRNAMESPACE> do ##class(FHIROpenAPI.Generator).Preprocess()
Follow preprocessing instructions
FHIRNAMESPACE> do ##class(FHIROpenAPI.Generator).Run()
Additional static files:
./output/index.html, ./output/swagger-ui.html - homepage for API browser
./output/oauth2-redirect.html static html, needed for OAuth2 authentication workflow
./output/ISC-FHIR-Icon.png ISC icon