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Analyze Globals by Subscript-Level

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In most cases, a global used by default storage has just 1 subscript level that
represents the IDKEY. For an index-globals we may see 2 or more subscript levels.
Arrays, or parent-child relationships or persistent classes extending a base data class
are examples where we see more levels. Though all these globals are quite uniform.

And then we see globals not related to classes or tables like ^SPOOL,
or ^ERRORS, or ^%SYS where the structure depends on various levels
of subscripts with special meaning.

Analysis of those non-conform globals is a challenge and just dumping
it doesn’t necessarily help to understand the dependencies.

This example is oriented at the old joke:
“How do you eat an elephant?” ==> “cut in thin slices !”

That’s the offer: By an SQL statement you can display the stucture
of any global level by level. You provide global name and the maximum level
and get back the related subscripts, $Data of the node teh number of
next subnodes and - if avaiable - the content stored at that level.

SELECT * FROM rcc_G.scan where rcc_G.Scan(’^%SYS’,1)=1

Reference       Level	$D SubNodes Value
^%SYS               0	10 25	 
("CSP")             1	10	 	 
("CSPAppSec")       1	1    64
("CacheTempDir")    1	1   "c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\iristemp\"
("DBRefByName")     1	10	 	 
("Ensemble")        1	11  "2020-04-25 18:37:18"
("ErrorPurge")      1	1    30
("FIPSMode")        1	1    0
("IRISTempDir")     1	1    c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\iristemp\"
("JOURNAL")         1	11   0
("LANGUAGE")        1	10	 	 
("LASTSESSIONGUID") 1	1   "EÊcRù¢GM£ô"_$c(127)_"¹9¾ÒÆ"
("LOCALE")          1	10	 	 
("ModuleRoot")      1	10	 	 
("NLS")             1	10	 	 
("SERVICE")         1	10	 	 
("SSPort")          1	1    51773
("StreamLocation")  1	10	 	 
("SystemMode")      1	1   "TEST"
("TempDir")         1	1   "C:\InterSystems\IRIS\mgr\Temp"
("WebServer")       1	10	 	 
("bindir")          1	1   "c:\intersystems\iris\bin\"
("shutdownlogerrors") 1 1 0
("sql")             1	10	 	 
("sysdir")          1	1   "c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\"
("tercap")          1	10	 	 
26 lines

SELECT * FROM rcc_G.scan where rcc_G.Scan(’^%SYS’,2)=1

Reference                   Level	$D SubN     Value
^%SYS                           0	10 25  
("CSP")                         1	10 1  
("CSP","LastUpdate")            2	1     "65553,44452"
("CSPAppSec")                   1	1  0  64
("CacheTempDir")                1	1  0  "c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\iristemp\"
("DBRefByName")                 1	10 9 	 
("DBRefByName","CACHE")         2	1     "^^c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\cache\"
("DBRefByName","CACHEUSER")     2	1     "^^c:\intersystems\user\"
("DBRefByName","ENSLIB")        2	1     "^^c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\enslib\"
("DBRefByName","IRISAUDIT")     2	1     "^^c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\irisaudit\"
("DBRefByName","IRISLIB")       2	1     "^^c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\irislib\"
("DBRefByName","IRISLOCALDATA") 2	1     "^^c:\intersystems\iris\mgr\irislocaldata\"
   < 60 lines more >

SELECT * FROM rcc_G.scan where rcc_G.Scan(’^ERRORS’,37)=1 and id[‘Jour’

Reference                                            Level	$D	SubNodes	Value
(65588,1,"*STACK",1,"V","%00000","N","""JournalState""")	8	1	 0	       4
(65592,1,"*STACK",1,"V","%00000","N","""JournalState""")	8	1	 0	       4
(65592,2,"*STACK",1,"V","%00000","N","""JournalState""")	8	1	 0	       4

Article in DC

Made with
zpm install global-scan-to-sql download archive
1.0.325 Mar, 2024
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
Works with
CachéEnsembleInterSystems IRIS
First published
03 Aug, 2020
Last edited
16 Sep, 2023
Last checked by moderator
15 Oct, 2024Works