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%CSP.REST on steroids

What's new in this version


  • Enable name passing (61beec4)
  • Fix usage of unavailable property (cf60036)
  • Add call for device opening (996f8d0)
  • Support for serial object marshaling (c95b357)


  • Project files (158b5a9)

More details about the release v5.1.0 here.


Frontier is a REST framework made with the purpose of reducing boilerplate code and imposing a clean coding style where dispatcher methods should always return a value or throw an exception. This way the application will never use the WRITE command manually inside these kind of methods.


Have you ever found yourself dealing with repetitive tasks like mounting objects, serializing them and eventually handling multiple kind of errors? Frontier was built to boost your development by making you focus on what really matters: your application.


%CSP.REST is the base class exclusive for creating RESTful applications. While Frontier uses the %CSP.REST for welcoming the requests, it overwrites how %CSP.REST transports the request to the dispatcher method in a way that you can use it even if your application is not RESTful. Here’s how Frontier compares to the default %CSP.REST:

Feature Frontier %CSP.REST
Query parameters By argument name Using %request.Get
Variable number of arguments By indexed query parameter Using %request.Get(name, index)
Map placeholders Supported Parsing from %request.URL
Routes with regular expressions Supported when Strict=“false” Supported
JSON serialization Using %Dynamic instances Writing to the device
Error handling Implicit try/catch or trap mechanism with device write
Argument instantiation By argument class type (query/route parameters) Manually
Payload handling Triggered by %Dynamic based arguments Manually checking from %request.Content
SQL result serialization Using a wrapper for the SQL API Writing to the device
Unmarshaling When typing an argument and setting UNMARSHAL=1 Manually
Marshalling Seamlessly returning a mixed %Dynamic type Manually
Serving files Using the Frontier Files API Not supported on %CSP.REST, but %CSP.StreamServer
Upload handling By using the Frontier Files Upload API Manually from %request.MimeData
Error reporting By using the Frontier Reporter API Manually
Authentication Strategy-oriented (isolated) Based on web application config / OAuth2 API
Stream response Implicit Writing to the device
Sharing common data Using OnDataSet method and %frontier.Data object N/A
Property formatters Using %frontier.PropertyFormatter While mounting the object

In practice

  • Automatic exception handling: Handles the exception feedback accordingly when it’s thrown. Recommended to be used along with status to notify the consumer application about errors.
ClassMethod SayHello() As %String
  // This will return { "result": "hello" }
  return "hello"

// or

$$$ThrowStatus($$$ERORR($$$GeneralError, "oops"))

// or

return %frontier.ThrowException("oops")

// or (this will be captured automatically)

set value = oops

  • Typed argument: Set the argument type as something that extends from %Persistent and it’ll be
    replaced with the instance resulting from an implicit %OpenId call right before the dispatcher method is invoked. This works for both: query parameters and route parameters.
ClassMethod TestGETRouteParams(class As Frontier.UnitTest.Fixtures.Class) As %Status
  // curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'localhost:57772/api/frontier/test/route-params/6'
  // {"Plate":"O5397","Students":[{"Name":"Drabek,Peter T.","__id__":"20"}],"__id__":"6"}
  return class
  • Query parameters: Unhandled arguments (not explicitly set on Route/Map) are considered as query parameters. By default they are required, however it’s possible to make them optional simply by providing a default value.
ClassMethod SayHelloTo(who As %String = "John Doe") As %String
  // curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'localhost:57772/api/frontier/test/query-params?who=Francis'
  // curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'localhost:57772/api/frontier/test/query-params'
  return "hello "_who
  • Variable number of arguments: Multiple query parameters with the same name but different indexes. To enable it, use the three dot notation.
ClassMethod TestGETRestParametersSum(n... As %String) As %Integer
  // curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" 'localhost:57772/api/frontier/test/rest-params?n1=10&n2=20&n3=30'
  // {"result":60}
  set sum = 0
  for i=1:1:n  set sum = sum + n(i)
  return sum
  • Payload handling: Client applications requiring to send payload data (normally JSON), can be handled by the server with methods whose parameters are typed from %DynamicAbstractObject instances.
ClassMethod EchoUserPayload(payload As %DynamicObject) As %DynamicObject
  // curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}' 'http://localhost:57772/api/frontier/test/payload/single-object'
  // {"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}
  return payload
  • Unmarshaling: Set UNMARSHAL=1 while typing the payload to a persistent class so that the payload will be parsed and unmarshalled to it.
ClassMethod CreateClass(class As Frontier.UnitTest.Fixtures.Class(UNMARSHAL=1)) As Frontier.UnitTest.Fixtures.Student
  // curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST\
  // -d '{"Plate": "R-2948","Students": [{"Name": "Rubens",\
  // "BirthDate": "04/21/1970","SomeValue": 0}]}'\
  // 'http://localhost:57772/api/frontier/unmarshal
  return {
    "ok": true,
    "__id__": (class.%Id())
  • SQL results: Return a serializable SQL result using the Frontier SQL API.
ClassMethod GetPaginatedSQLResult(
  page As %Integer = 1,
  rows As %Integer = 5) As Frontier.SQL.Provider
  set offset = (page * rows) - (rows - 1)
  set limit = page * rows

return %frontier.SQL.Prepare(
).Parameters(limit, offset, limit)

// or

return %frontier.SQL.Prepare("Package.Class:QueryName").Parameters(limit, offset)

  • Streams: Return a stream instance to deliver a content that exceeds the maximum string length.
ClassMethod TestGETStream() As %Stream.Object
  set stream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
  do stream.Write("This line is from a stream.")

return stream

  • Seamless object serialization: Mix multiple object types into a single returning %DynamicObject/%DynamicArray instance and all its composition will be mutated to dynamic instances as well.
ClassMethod TestGETMixedDynamicObject(class As Frontier.UnitTest.Fixtures.Class) As %DynamicObject
  // Class is a instance of a %Persistent derived type.
  return {
    "class": (class)
  • Shareable object: Allows the context to share a set of objects that can be retrived on each dispatcher method.
ClassMethod OnDataSet(data As %DynamicObject) As %Status
  /// This 'data' object is shared between all methods. Accessible using %frontier.Data.
  set data.Message = "This 'Message' is shared between all methods."
  return $$$OK

ClassMethod TestGETData() As %DynamicObject
// Prints { "results": "This 'Message' is shared for all methods." }.
return %frontier.Data

Configuring the router

Each Router class provides a configuration method called OnSetup(). This method allows the developer to define how the Router should behave for certain situations. Configuration is made by using the helpers provided in the %frontier object which is composed by several modules to handle different tasks.


The helper AuthenticationManager allows the declaration of a chain of strategies that attempt to match themselves with the authentication model and the credentials provided by the client. In other words, a strategy is elected from the chain and used to validate the credentials.

Below is an example on how to configure a strategy in the chain.


ClassMethod OnSetup() As %Status
  // Asks the user for a Basic + Base64(username:password) encoded Authorization header.
  set basicStrategy = ##class(Frontier.Authentication.BasicStrategy).%New({
    "realm": "tests",
    "validator": ($classname()_":ValidateCredentials")

// Tells Frontier that we should use this strategy.

NOTE: This will make all the routes under the current Router to be protected. If you want to disable authentication you can set UseAuth="false" in the related <Route>. You can also force a route to use a single strategy by using AuthStrategy="MyAuth".

Implementing a strategy

If you want to use your own strategy, you need to consider a few entry points:

  • Realm (String): This should be used to define the ‘realm’ when sending the challenge to the client.
  • GetChallenge (Method): This should return a valid WWW-Authenticate whenever adequate.
  • Verify (Method): This method takes four arguments: session, request, response, and user. The implementation use the three first arguments to resolve the user which is represented by a %DynamicObject. When user is populated with a scope property, then this scope will be used to validate against the Route’s Scope attribute if present.

To have a better idea on how to implement a custom strategy check out the class Frontier.Authentication.BasicStrategy. It implements all the entry points described here.


Reporters can be used to take an informative action on unhandled errors. just like the AuthenticationManager, the ReporterManager can have a chain of reporters as well. But instead of electing a single strategy and firing it, the ReportManager will call each consecutively.

NOTE: Since reporters are fired after the request has been finished, you’ll need to make the application aware of it, in order to do so, set up the event class Frontier.SessionEvents. You can also customize it for your needs.

Reporters should be set using the method OnSetup and its syntax is very similar to the Authentication.

ClassMethod OnSetup() As %Status
  // Reporters should be used to signal the developer about request errors.
  return $$$OK

Implementing a reporter

Since reporters provides more freedom on how to implement them, there is only two entry points:

  • Setup (method): This receives context: an object representing the %frontier. Use this method to prepare or configure the custom reporter.
  • Report (method): This also receives context, however Report is called only when an abnormal error happens and the request has already finished. This is where the custom reporter should take an action.

Check out the class Frontier.Reporter.Log to see how to implement those entry points.

Property Formatters

They’re used for modifying the writing style for each property. The usage is pretty straightforward:

set %frontier.PropertyFormatter = ##class(Frontier.PropertyFormatter.SnakeCase).%New()

This will make all the properties to be written using snake_case format. If you don’t define a property formatter, then the original format is used.

The Frontier SQL API

If you want to output directly from SQL results, you need to return a provider.
A provider can be created by using the Frontier SQL API, its syntax is:

      .Prepare(SQL or named query) // This returns the provider
        .Parameters(n...) // while this
        .Mode(DisplayMode) // and this decorates it. So they are optional.

Returning the provider will output { "results": [{...}, {...} ...]}. If you want customize it, then just put the provider into an array or object so that the output will be merged with it.

NOTE #1: By default the Display mode is configured to 0: the internal format.

NOTE #2: You cannot use this API the iterate over each row, if you want to do so, then you’re recommended to use the %SQL.Statement API itself.

Using the query builder

You can also allow the client to provide you the query, this can be useful for creating in-app advanced filters. You can setup the query builder by making it respond in place of the default API. E.g.

ClassMethod InlineQuery(filter As %String = "", page As %String = "", fields As %String = "id, name, ssn", orderBy As %String = "id asc, dob desc", limit As %Integer = 50) As Frontier.SQL.Provider
  set builder = %frontier.SQL.InlineQueryBuilder()
  do builder.For("Sample.Person")
  do builder.Filter(filter)
  do builder.OrderBy("id as PersonID, SSN")
  return builder.Build().Provide()

The Frontier Files API

This enables the application to serve or receive static files.

Serving files

There are two ways of serving a file. You can serve a directory or a single file.

Server a directory

Serving a directory means that the user can select what to retrieve by using the URL path. As long as it belongs
to the directory you provided the access: files are served starting from the root path that’s only know to the server, combined with the URL match that indicates the root path’s subdirectory. E.g.

URL is             /my/application/static/docs/help.txt
Root is            /var/lib/app/public
Which resolves to  /var/lib/app/public/docs/help.txt

In order to serve files inside a directory, you must make sure that you have configured a Route that:

  1. Has Strict set to “false”. So that you can use regular expressions.
  2. Uses group to capture the file path. Something like ?(.*)? should be enough.
  3. Has a class method that directs to the file server.
  • For steps 1 and 2:

  • For step 3:
ClassMethod TestGETStaticFile() As %Stream.Object
  return %frontier.Files.ServeFrom("/var/lib/app/public")

This is the most basic format to start serving files from a directory.

Check out the class Frontier.UnitTest.Router, method TestGETStaticFileWithCustomConfig to learn how to use advanced configurations.

Serving a file

One of the cons on serving a directory is that the path inside the directory gets exposed. Serving a file however, allows the application to mask that path using the route url instead with the limitation of serving a file exclusively.

ClassMethod GeUserDocument(id As %String) As %Status
  set path = ##class(%File).NormalizeFilename(id_".pdf", "/uploads/files/pdf")
  return %frontier.Files.ServeFile(path)

Receiving files

Files can be saved to the server by preparing a route capable of handling uploads. Configuring the upload handler requires less work in the Route definition, but instead more configuration in the uploader itself.

Finally, you need a class method to set up the upload handler, this must be same as the Call attribute.

And now, you’re ready to set up the upload handler.

NOTE: You need a Route that accepts a POST request, anything else won’t work.

ClassMethod HandleUpload() As %Status
  set location = "/var/lib/my/app/uploads"
  set destination = location_"/:KEY/:FILE_NAME:EXTENSION"

// 512 KB
set maxFileSize = (1024**2/0.5)

return %frontier.Files.Upload({
"hooks": {
"onItemUploadSuccess": "Frontier.UnitTest.Router:WriteResultToProcessGlobal",
"onItemUploadError": "Frontier.UnitTest.Router:WriteErrorToProcessGlobal",
"onComplete": "Frontier.UnitTest.Router:WriteResultSummaryToProcessGlobal"
"filters": {
// Will throw an error instead of silently ignoring the entry.
"verbose": true,
"extensions": ["txt", "pdf"],
"maxFileSize": {
"value": (maxFileSize),
"errorTemplate": "The file exceeded the :VALUE bytes limit."
"destinations": {
"file_a": { "path": (destination) },
"file_b": { "path": (destination) },
"file_c": { "path": (destination), "optional": true },
"file_d": { "path": (destination), "optional": true },
// optional=false
"file_x": (destination),
"files": {
"path": (location_"/files/:INDEX/:FILE_NAME:EXTENSION"),
"slots": 3, // Enables sending multiple files with the same key.
"filters": { "maxFileSize": 500000000 }

Running the test suites

Although for using Frontier you don’t need any additional library, in order to run the test suites you’ll need to execute the following steps:

  1. Download and install Port.
  2. Configure Port to the path you cloned this repo. E.g.: If you cloned to /projects/frontier you’ll need to run ##class(Port.Configuration).SetCustomWorkspace("frontier", "/projects/frontier").
  3. Download and install Forgery.
  4. Import the class Frontier.UnitTest.WebApplicationInstaller.cls. This will create the application required to run the tests.


If you want to contribute with this project, you’re encouraged to do so, however please read the CONTRIBUTING file before doing so.



5.1.123 Oct, 2019
Works with
CachéInterSystems IRIS
First published
25 Jul, 2019
Last edited
23 Oct, 2019