Continious Integration for InterSystems Caché and GitHub
spatialindex for Caché
Implement a new open-source based project for Class Reference. Which would not require IRIS for work, web only. It's 99% static, no reason in the database just a bunch of metadata. with correct search by any class members
Sync GitHub repositories into InterSystems Cache.
CNA is a wrapper for libffi.
Simple UI for RESTForms based on AngularJS
A tiny class for InterSystems Caché that downloads all Gitter's room messages to the archive file.
Docker containers main control process for Caché, Ensemble and HealthShare
Caché as MongoDB approach
Caché Community Package Manager
Cache websockets tutorial
Sample of making queue for processing tasks based on InsterSystems Caché %SYSTEM.Event
MQTT Client implemented in Caché Object Script
COS contibutors guidelines
It is a web UI for inspecting Caché Monitor (%MONLBL) results.
Map methods calls in InterSystems Cache database across classes
CNDO (Caché Node Data Object) - easiest access to database using object data model.
ASP.NET Identity Cache Provider
Simple Publisher - Subscriber model implemented using InterSystems Caché
Simple WebSockets communication example for InterSystems Caché
Work with Amazon Kindle bookmarks and highlights in InterSystems Caché
Cryptograpic solution for Cache development based on MS CryptoAPI
Syntax colorizer for Cache ObjectScript. Output is HTML
Remote Code Execution for InterSystems Caché
Basic classes for REST web API on InterSystems Cache
A few iKnow code samples described on the InterSystems Developer Community