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Sample of making queue for processing tasks based on InsterSystems Caché %SYSTEM.Event
/// Starts the queue for processing reports /// pAgents - number of agents to process the queue, default value = 2 /// pProcess - process tasks that were made before queue has started. 1 - process, 0 - ignore. ClassMethod StartQueue(pAgents As %Integer = 2, pProcess As %Integer = 0) As %Status { set st = $$$OK try { $$$TOE(st, ##class(Manager).Start(..#EVENTRESOURCE, 2, $classname(), "ProcessTask")) if (pProcess = 1) { set id = 0 while (id < 10) { set id = id + 1 set sent = $system.Event.Signal(..#EVENTRESOURCE, id) if ('sent) $$$ThrowStatus($$$ERROR("Unable to start task processing for id = "_id)) } } } catch ex { set st = ex.AsStatus() } quit st }
/// Stops the queue
ClassMethod StopQueue() As %Status
set st = $$$OK
try {
$$$TOE(st, ##class(Manager).Stop(..#EVENTRESOURCE))
} catch ex {
set st = ex.AsStatus()
quit st