Technology Example
This kit allows you to find out about, explore and try out the unique QEWD-JSdb "persistent JavaScript Objects", made possible by IRIS Globals. For simplicity of use and speed and ease of installation, the kit is designed for use with the IRIS Community Edition Docker Container: you can be up and running in a matter of a few minutes. However, QEWD-JSdb and the Node.js-based QEWD framework can be easily installed on any IRIS (or Cache) system. Layered on top of QEWD-JSdb's persistent JavaScript objects are several examples of the multi-model capability it provides: Lists, key/object store and XML DOM. The latter is a great example of the persistent Objects concept: it includes XPath query capability, provided by the standard, unmodified Node.js XPath module. This module is designed to work with an in-memory XML DOM, and does not know or care that the DOM object provided by QEWD-JSdb is actually on-disk (in IRIS Globals)! The kit includes tutorials for QEWD-JSdb itself and the three layered database models. You can try out the tutorial examples interactively using the Node.js REPL. Also included are web-based "explorer" applications that allow you to watch the database models in action. Finally, using the QEWD Monitor application's graphical QEWD-JSdb Inspector option, you can explore the underlying hierarchical storage of the IRIS Globals created and maintained in the tutorials and explorer applications.