Home Applications web-timing-logger


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Http request logger and web measure metrics.

What's new in this version

  • Performance improvements.
  • Metrics by URL (url without parameters).
  • Performance benchmark of this tools (allows to know the impact of enabling this tools on a system)
  • Docker-compose file include Prometheus and Grafana instance
  • Grafana dashboard related to the benchmark.

Quality Gate Status
Reliability Rating

License: MIT


This is a package allowing you to record: timing, global ref, lines executed and few metrics for each incoming HTTP request.

Installation Docker

Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone https://github.com/lscalese/iris-web-timing-logger.git

Open the terminal in this directory and call the command to build and run InterSystems IRIS in container:
Note: Users running containers on a Linux CLI, should use “docker compose” instead of “docker-compose”
See Install the Compose plugin

$ docker-compose up -d

Installation ZPM

Open an IRIS terminal:

zpm "install web-timing-logger"

Unit tests

zpm "test web-timing-logger"


Note: If you use docker for testing, all of actions described below are automatically performed at build time

Firstable, initialize parameters:

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Config).Initialize()

Enable log for incoming http request :

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Config).SetLogEnabled(1) ; or 0 to disable

Enable metrics for SAM :

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Config).SetMetricsEnabled(1) ; or 0 to disable

Configure SAM:

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Utils).ConfigureAPIMonitor()

optional: if you want to map this package and its data in %ALL namespace

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Utils).AddToPercentAllNS()

All of action above can done in one line with:

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Config).DefaultSetup()

What does it do

For each incoming HTTP request it records the following informations in dc_webtiming_log.Request table:

  • Date and time
  • Connected user
  • Global Reference
  • Lines executed
  • Response time in ms.
  • Http method
  • IP address of the caller
  • HTTP status code of the response
  • URL
  • Execution namespace
  • Page name if applicable (csp file)
  • Web application name

It also increment metrics that can be availalbe with SAM (/api/monitor).

Metrics description

webmeasure_total_hit{id="/api/monitor/"} 93
The number of incoming request to the web application /api/monitor/ today

webmeasure_total_hit_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 71
The number of incoming request to the web application /api/monitor/ for the current quarter-hour.
So ‘current_quarter’ metrics are reset every 15 minutes.

webmeasure_total_gloref{id="/api/monitor/"} 84444
The global reference total today for the web application /api/monitor.

webmeasure_total_gloref_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 63981
The total of global reference for the current quarter-hour.

webmeasure_total_lines{id="/api/monitor/"} 2704084
Total lines of code executed for all requests in /api/monitor/

webmeasure_total_lines_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 2059805
Total lines of code executed for the current quarter-hour.

webmeasure_total_timing{id="/api/monitor/"} 2261.548
Total time in millisecond for all requests today.

webmeasure_total_timing_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 1653.231
Total time in millisecond for the current quarter-hour.

webmeasure_max_lines{id="/api/monitor/"} 30966
The maximum lines of code executed for a request today.

webmeasure_max_lines_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 29076
The maximum lines of code executed for a request this quarter-hour.

webmeasure_max_timing{id="/api/monitor/"} 50.495
Slowness response time today for a request (time in millisecond).

webmeasure_max_timing_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 32.742
Slowness response time this current quarter-hour (time in millisecond).

webmeasure_average_gloref{id="/api/monitor/"} 908
The average global reference total today for the application /api/monitor/.

webmeasure_average_gloref_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 901.1408450704225352
The average global reference this current quarter-hour for the application /api/monitor/.

webmeasure_average_lines{id="/api/monitor/"} 29076.17204301075269
Average lines of code executed for a request tody.

webmeasure_average_lines_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 29011.33802816901408
Average lines of code executed the current quarter-hour for a request.

webmeasure_average_timing{id="/api/monitor/"} 24.31772043010752688
Average response time for a request today in millisecond.

webmeasure_average_timing_current_quarter{id="/api/monitor/"} 23.28494366197183099
Average response time for a request this current quarter-hour in millisecond.

How It works

It works with %CSP.SessionEvents class.
So, you need to setup your web application with the event class dc.webtiming.CSPSessionEvents for all web applications you need.

Generate data

Generate fake data for testing purpose:

Do ##class(dc.webtiming.Utils).GenerateFakeData("/fake/webapp", 100)

It generates 100 http requests logs and the related metrics informations.

Open the url http://localhost:52773/api/monitor/metrics to see the webmeasure metrics.
Execute the simple following query to see the log:

SELECT * FROM dc_webtiming_log.Request

More informations will be available soon in an article on Intersystems Developer Community.

Made with
zpm install web-timing-logger download archive
0.9.024 Jul, 2023
ObjectScript quality test
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
12 Jul, 2023
Last edited
22 Aug, 2023
Last checked by moderator
31 Jan, 2025Works