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Vault-Link is a security solution designed to safeguard sensitive information on InterSystems IRIS environments.

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Vault-Link is a security solution designed to safeguard sensitive information on InterSystems IRIS environments.


Vault-Link is a security solution designed to safeguard sensitive information on InterSystems IRIS environments.

It is a wrapper to access secrets stored into key vaults. Here we are using Hashicorp Vault Community as a key vault.

This project was inspired on this idea from InterSystems Ideas portal.


  • Wrapper to access secrets stored into key vaults
  • You can create and access secrets managed by Hashicorp Vault into InterSystems IRIS.

Installation on your IRIS instance

Execute the following command to install the package into your IRIS instance:

zpm "install vault-link"

After the package is installed, you have to setup some environment variables to let the vault-link package communicate with Hashicorp Vault:


If you want just to test the package, follow the #Running the demo environment section.

Running the demo environment

Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.

Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

git clone https://github.com/musketeers-br/vault-link.git
cd vault-link

First you have to setup a Hashicorp Vault instance. After that you can setup the IRIS instance and run the demo.

Hashicorp Vault setup

Note: The steps provided below are only for a local demo environment. It’s not intended to be used in a production environment

Open the terminal in this directory and call the command to build and run InterSystems IRIS in container:
Note: Users running containers on a Linux CLI, should use “docker compose” instead of “docker-compose”
See Install the Compose plugin

cd hashicorp/vault
docker-compose up -d

Wait for the the container be ready.

Now we need to start the Hashicorp Vault container. A single configuration for it is provided at folder ./hashicorp/vault.

Access the Hashicorp Vault container and initialize the vault:

docker exec -it vault-new-1 /bin/sh
vault operator init

If all went well, you should see something like this:

Unseal Key 1: <unseal-key-1>
Unseal Key 2: <unseal-key-2>
Unseal Key 3: <unseal-key-3>
Unseal Key 4: <unseal-key-4>
Unseal Key 5: <unseal-key-5>

Initial Root Token: <token>

Vault initialized with 5 key shares and a key threshold of 3. Please securely
distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed,
restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 3 of these keys to unseal it
before it can start servicing requests.

Vault does not store the generated root key. Without at least 3 keys to
reconstruct the root key, Vault will remain permanently sealed!

It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of
existing unseal keys shares. See "vault operator rekey" for more information.

This output indicates that the vault has been initialized with 5 unseal key and a key threshold of 3, which means that you have to use 3 of these keys to unseal the Vault.

Unseal Key 1: <unseal-key-1>
Unseal Key 2: <unseal-key-2>
Unseal Key 3: <unseal-key-3>
Unseal Key 4: <unseal-key-4>
Unseal Key 5: <unseal-key-5>

A token is also generated, which you will use to access the vault.

Initial Root Token: <token>

Now access the vault UI at http://localhost:18200.

You will be prompted to unseal the vault by providing the 3 unseal keys. Enter 3 of any of the 5 given in the output of the previous command.

Vault UI

After that, you will be asked to provide a token. Enter the token generated in the output of the previous command.

Vault UI

Congrats! You have successfully setup the Hashicorp Vault container.

Vault UI

Now you can exit the container.


InterSystems IRIS setup

Now let’s setup the IRIS container.

First lets setup some environment variables used by the IRIS container. Replace <token> with your Hashicorp Vault token.

export VAULT_LINK_HASHICORP_VAULT_BASE_URL="http://host.docker.internal:18200"

Run the following command to build and run InterSystems IRIS in container. Make sure you are in the root of the repository.

cd ../../
docker-compose up -d

Congrats again! You have successfully setup the InterSystems IRIS container.


Access the InterSystems IRIS container:

docker exec -it vault-link-iris-1 /bin/bash
iris session iris -U IRISAPP

First let’s create a generic key-value engine (KV):

Do ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).CreateKVSecretEngine("my-kv-store")

You can check the Hashicorp Vault UI to see if the engine has been created:

Vault UI

Now, let’s create a secret:

ZWrite ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).CreateSecret("my-kv-store", "my-secret", {"data": {"username": "my-user", "password": "my-password"}})

If all is well, you should see the following response:

IRISAPP>ZWrite ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).CreateSecret("my-kv-store", "my-secret", {"data": {"username": "my-user", "password": "my-password"}})
{"request_id":"8374035c-776a-1134-c56f-6c14d447365a","lease_id":"","renewable":false,"lease_duration":0,"data":{"created_time":"2024-12-12T02:47:34.9652451Z","custom_metadata":null,"deletion_time":"","destroyed":false,"version":1},"wrap_info":null,"warnings":null,"auth":null,"mount_type":"kv"}  ; 

Now, let’s read the secret:

ZWrite ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).GetSecret("my-kv-store", "my-secret")

You should see the following response:

IRISAPP>ZWrite ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).GetSecret("my-kv-store", "my-secret")
{"request_id":"1a95d7d0-2f22-8252-5e31-7e408586f2a1","lease_id":"","renewable":false,"lease_duration":0,"data":{"data":{"password":"my-password","username":"my-user"},"metadata":{"created_time":"2024-12-12T02:47:34.9652451Z","custom_metadata":null,"deletion_time":"","destroyed":false,"version":1}},"wrap_info":null,"warnings":null,"auth":null,"mount_type":"kv"}  ; 

You can see the secret in the portal:

Vault UI

Vault UI

As the method GetSecret returns a %DynamicObject, you can use it to access the secret data:

Set resp = ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).GetSecret("my-kv-store", "my-secret")
Write resp.data.data.username
Write resp.data.data.password

And now you are able to use the secret in your InterSystems IRIS applications. For instance, you can use it to send credentials to a REST endpoint without having to hardcode them:

Set resp = ##class(dc.musketeers.vaultlink.Vault).GetSecret("my-kv-store", "my-secret")
Set headers("Authorization") = "Basic " _ $system.Encryption.Base64Encode(resp.data.data.username _ ":" _ resp.data.data.password)
Set request = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
Do request.SetHeader("Authorization", headers("Authorization"))

Dream Team

Made with
zpm install vault-link download archive
1.0.119 Dec, 2024
Ideas portal
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
12 Dec, 2024