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InterSystems IRIS based Redis server implementation (incomplete). Uses InterSystems IRIS as a persistance engine. Based on this project.
It is possible to use Redis server as standalone redis installation,
however the main goal of the project is to have an in-mem lightweight Redis server using InterSystems IRIS as a persistent storage. This can be used to migrate data from Redis DBs into InterSystems IRIS.
Currently redis server supports the following methods:
These commands might also work:
to connect to your desired instance.python setup.py install
with:from rediris import run_tcp
Currently not available. TBD.
Using any redis client:
import redis
r = redis.Redis(host='container_hostname', port=6379, db=0)
r.set('foo', 'bar')
Check management portal to see these changes reflected there. Changes to globals from SMP/terminal/etc. would also be picked up by a redis client connection.