Home Applications production-monitor


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Custom Production Monitor

What's new in this version

I added a sample production and I built a Docker container image.

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A reviewer asked what can be monitored by a monitor without a production. I have improved this app by adding a Docker container, a sample production, and an Online Demo.

Challenge in building this image

I got an error when I tried to build image:
Unable to find/open file iris-main.log in current directory

I added ls -la at the end of Dockerfile. I saw the WORKDIR was owned by root.


I added this into Dockerfile

USER root
RUN mkdir -p /home/irisowner/irisbuild && chown -R ${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}:${ISC_PACKAGE_IRISGROUP} /home/irisowner/irisbuild

Online Demo

You can find online demo here - Production Monitor or Management Portal


I began working on this app when I saw a post on Developer Community by Mark OReilly:


Currently we are using an older Healthshare instance but I am not opposed to using IRIS as we will upgrade eventually.

Currently for monitoring productions we have a Montior screen. We have both the Queues page and a Deepsee dashboard which has current status of our services. The issue with the Deepsee method we currently have with traffic lights is 1) the page is a bit slow to load the metrics 2) any new services from the team a new widget needs created and although this is easy enough to do it just is time consuming.

What I would like to achieve is at it's most basic be able to get the current list of buisness services out of the production, a bit like the tStatement.%PrepareClassQuery("Ens.Config.Production","EnumerateConfigItems") but instead of just getting enabled/disabled I would like to get the status of the components as displayed in the production monitor page, Even as just a list. So at the top of a page I can list any in the error status to make it really really clear when there is any issues. To be honest it is like a version of Production monitor page but there is a lot on there in the way it is displayed that is a bit complex for a general montior page but if could get the general stats off there to simplify things into a new once size fits all page for us would be great.

Installation ZPM

zpm "install production-monitor"

You can easily install production-manager with ZPM. I have done it with iris-mail. See screenshot below:


Below is Production Monitor for test-data Production using OutputTablePM view


Below is Production Monitor for test-data Production using OutputTableIncomingOutgoing view


Made with
zpm install production-monitor download archive
1.0.311 Sep, 2022
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRISEnsemble
First published
28 May, 2022
Last checked by moderator
15 Oct, 2024Works