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A library to ease IRIS configuration.

What's new in this version

  • Add %Admin_secure resource setting for the web application.


A library to ease IRIS configuration.
Typically this library could be used in your application installer module.
It allows you to prepare your environment before deploying your application code.

Features :

  • Create databases, namespaces, mappings, system settings, security settings, and more …
  • Import configuration from JSON document.
  • Export configuration to JSON document.
  • RESTful application.

Also, It could be combine with ZPM client (see this article and repository )

Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation Docker
  3. Installation ZPM
  4. Installation by XML
  5. Run Unit Tests
  6. Basic example
  7. Advanced
  8. Chain with ZPM
  9. Service classes usage
  10. Export configuration
  11. REST application


Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.

Installation Docker

Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone https://github.com/lscalese/iris-config-api.git

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose build
  1. Run the IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d

Installation ZPM

zpm "install config-api"

Installation by XML

Download the latest version which includes dependencies on release page.
Import and compile.


A part of this development has been split into a separate library, more information on the project page IO-Redirect.

Run Unit Tests

It’s highly recommended to perform unit tests on a clean and unused IRIS installation.
Unit tests change system settings, create\update\remove databases, namespaces, …
Namespace “USER” must exist.

Open IRIS terminal:

zpm "test config-api"


Set ^UnitTestRoot = "/irisrun/repo/tests/"
Do ##class(%UnitTest.Manager).RunTest(,"/nodelete")

How It works

Basically, developers write a configuration JSON document and load it with ##class(Api.Config.Services.Loader).Load() method.

Let’s see a configuration document :

   "Defaults":{                    /* Declare your variables in the Defaults section. */
       "DBDIR" : "${MGRDIR}",      /* predefined variable with mgr directory path. */
       "WEBAPPDIR" : "${CSPDIR}"   /* predefined variable with csp directory path. */
   "SYS.Databases":{               /* Service class name here SYS.Databases (related to Api.Config.Services.SYS.Databases.) */
       "${DBDIR}myappdata/" : {    /* Database directory to create, will be evaluated to /usr/irissys/mgr/myappdata/. */
           "ExpansionSize":128     /* Database properties (all properties defined in SYS.Databases are available) */
       "${DBDIR}myappcode/": {}    /* Create /usr/irissys/mgr/myappcode/ database with default parameters. */
   "Databases":{                               /* Service class name related to Api.Config.Services.Databases. */
       "MYAPPDATA" : {                         /* Create a database configuration named MYAPPDATA. */
           "Directory" : "${DBDIR}myappdata/"  /* Link /usr/irissys/mgr/myappdata/ to Database name MYAPPDATA. */
       "MYAPPCODE" : {
           "Directory" : "${DBDIR}myappcode/"
   "Namespaces":{                  /* Service class name related to Api.Config.Services.Namespaces. */
       "MYAPP": {                  /* Create a Namespace MYAPP. */
           "Globals":"MYAPPDATA",  /* Set default database for globals. */
           "Routines":"MYAPPCODE"  /* Set default database for routines. */
   "Security.Applications": {                      /* Service class name related to Api.Config.Services.Security.Applications. */
       "/csp/zrestapp": {                          /* Create REST application /csp/zrestapp.  */
           "DispatchClass" : "my.dispatch.class",   /* Dispatch class. */
           "Namespace" : "MYAPP",                  /* Namespace... */
           "Enabled" : "1",
           "AuthEnabled": "64",
           "CookiePath" : "/csp/zrestapp/"

Basic example

Set config = {"SYS.Databases":{"/usr/irissys/mgr/dbtestapi":{} } }
Set sc = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Loader).Load(config) /* config can be a %DynamicObject, a file name or a stream with the config JSON document. */

Output :

2021-03-27 22:45:25 Start load configuration
2021-03-27 22:45:25 {
2021-03-27 22:45:25  * SYS.Databases
2021-03-27 22:45:25    + Create /usr/irissys/mgr/dbtestapi ... OK

The output is written on the current device.
You can easily redirect to a stream, file, string, or a global using theIORedirect.Redirect class.
More information about IORedirect.Redirect here.

Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToFile()
Set config = {"SYS.Databases":{"/usr/irissys/mgr/dbtestapi":{} } }
Set sc = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Loader).Load(config)
Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).RestoreIO()


Now, let’s try a configuration document a little bit more complex.
In this example :

  • variables usage.
  • create databases
  • create namespace,
  • set globals\routines\packages mapping
  • set system configuration (journal, locksiz,…)
Set config = {
       "DBDIR" : "${MGRDIR}",
       "WEBAPPDIR" : "${CSPDIR}",
       "DBDATA" : "${DBDIR}myappdata/",
       "DBARCHIVE" : "${DBDIR}myapparchive/",
       "DBCODE" : "${DBDIR}myappcode/",
       "DBLOG" : "${DBDIR}myapplog/"
   "SYS.Databases":{                           /* Service class Api.Config.Services.SYS.Databases */
       "${DBDATA}" : {"ExpansionSize":128},
       "${DBARCHIVE}" : {},
       "${DBCODE}" : {},
       "${DBLOG}" : {}
   "Databases":{                               /* Service class Api.Config.Services.Database */
       "MYAPPDATA" : {
           "Directory" : "${DBDATA}"
       "MYAPPCODE" : {
           "Directory" : "${DBCODE}"
       "MYAPPARCHIVE" : {
           "Directory" : "${DBARCHIVE}"
       "MYAPPLOG" : {
           "Directory" : "${DBLOG}"
   "Namespaces":{                              /* Service class Api.Config.Services.Namespaces */
       "MYAPP": {
   "Security.Applications": {                  /* Service class Api.Config.Security.Applications */
       "/csp/zrestapp": {
           "DispatchClass" : "my.dispatch.class",
           "Namespace" : "MYAPP",
           "Enabled" : "1",
           "AutheEnabled": "64",
           "CookiePath" : "/csp/zrestapp/"
       "/csp/zwebapp": {
           "Path": "${WEBAPPDIR}zwebapp/",
           "Namespace" : "MYAPP",
           "Enabled" : "1",
           "AutheEnabled": "64",
           "CookiePath" : "/csp/zwebapp/"
   "MapGlobals":{                              /* Service class Api.Config.MapGlobals */
       "MYAPP": [{
           "Name" : "Archive.Data",
           "Database" : "MYAPPARCHIVE"
           "Name" : "App.Log",
           "Database" : "MYAPPLOG"
   "MapPackages": {                            /* Service class Api.Config.MapPackages */
       "MYAPP": [{
           "Namespace" : "MYAPP",
           "Name" : "PackageName",
           "Database" : "USER"
   "MapRoutines": {                            /* Service class Api.Config.MapRoutines */
       "MYAPP": [{
           "Namespace" : "MYAPP",
           "Name" : "RoutineName",
           "Database" : "USER"
   "Journal": {                                /* Service class Api.Config.Journal */
   "Security.Services":{                       /* Service class Api.Config.Services */
       "%Service_Mirror": {
           "Enabled" : 0
   "SQL": {                                    /* Service class Api.Config.SQL */
       "LockThreshold" : 2500
   "config": {                                 /* Service class Api.Config.config */
       "locksiz" : 33554432
   "Startup":{                                 /* Service class Api.Config.Startup */
       "SystemMode" : "DEVELOPMENT"
Set sc = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Loader).Load(config)

Take a look at the output, you can notice a dump of the configuration document with all variables evaluated and the status for each operation.

Output (click to expand):
2021-03-28 08:28:44 Start load configuration
2021-03-28 08:28:44 {
2021-03-28 08:28:44  * SYS.Databases
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create /usr/irissys/mgr/myappdata/ ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create /usr/irissys/mgr/myapparchive/ ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create /usr/irissys/mgr/myappcode/ ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create /usr/irissys/mgr/myapplog/ ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44  * Databases
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPPDATA ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPPCODE ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPPARCHIVE ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPPLOG ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44  * Namespaces
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPP ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44  * Security.Applications
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create /csp/zrestapp ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create /csp/zwebapp ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44  * MapGlobals
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPP Archive.Data ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:44    + Create MYAPP App.Log ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * MapPackages
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Create MYAPP PackageName ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * MapRoutines
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Create MYAPP RoutineName ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * Journal
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Update Journal ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * Security.Services
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Update %Service_Mirror ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * SQL
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Update SQL ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * config
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Update config ... OK
2021-03-28 08:28:45  * Startup
2021-03-28 08:28:45    + Update Startup ... OK

Chain With ZPM

** Experimental feature subject to modification or removal. **

In version 1.0.2, you can add a “ZPM” section to call directly zpm client command, ex :

        "DBDATA" : "${MGRDIR}irisapp/",
        "APPNS" : "IRISAPP"
        "${DBDATA}" : {}
        "${APPNS}" : {
            "Directory" : "${DBDATA}"
        "${APPNS}": {
        "${APPNS}" : [{
            "load":"/opt/irisbuild/ -v"

This configuration document create database and namespace nammed IRISAPP and execute zpm "/opt/irisbuild/ -v" on IRISAPP namespace.
See a a fork of intersystems-iris-dev-template using Config-API to initialize application.

Service classes usage

For each service class there is a list of operations available depending on the type :

  • List
  • Get
  • Update
  • Create
  • Delete
  • Exists

For example Api.Config.Services.Namespaces allow all of the operations listed above, but Api.Config.Services.Journal allow only Get and Update.

See this table (click to expand):
Service classes List Get Update Create Delete Exists
Api.Config.Services.Cluster no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.ConfigFile no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Databases no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Debug no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.DeviceSubTypes no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Devices no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.ECP no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.ECPServers no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.IO no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Journal no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Library.SQLConnection no yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.LicenseServers no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.MagTapes no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.MapGlobals yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.MapMirrors yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.MapPackages yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.MapRoutines yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.MapShadows yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.MirrorMember no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Mirrors no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Miscellaneous no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Monitor no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Namespaces no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.SQL no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.SYS.Databases yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.Security.Applications no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Security.LDAPConfigs no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Security.Resources no no no yes no no
Api.Config.Services.Security.Roles no no no yes no no
Api.Config.Services.Security.SQLAdminPrivilegeSet yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.Security.SQLPrivileges yes yes yes yes yes yes
Api.Config.Services.Security.SSLConfigs no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Security.Services yes yes yes no no yes
Api.Config.Services.Security.Users no no no yes no no
Api.Config.Services.Shadows no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.SqlSysDatatypes no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.SqlUserDatatypes no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Startup no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.Telnet no no no no no no
Api.Config.Services.config no no no no no no


Get Journal setting:

Set jrnSetting = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Journal).Get()
Do ##class(Api.Config.Developers.Utils).Show(jrnSetting)




Update Journal setting, just the FileSizeLimit :

Set sc = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Journal).Update({"FileSizeLimit":256})
Write $SYSTEM.Status.GetOneErrorText(sc)


Get the list of namespaces :

Set list = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Namespaces).List()
Do ##class(Api.Config.Developers.Utils).Show(list)




Check if a namespace exists :

Write ##class(Api.Config.Services.Namespaces).Exists("TESTAPI")


Create a namespace:

Set sc = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Namespaces).Create({"Globals":"USER","Routines":"USER","Name":"ZTESTAPI"})
Write $SYSTEM.Status.GetOneErrorText(sc)


Delete a namespace:

Set sc = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Namespaces).Delete("ZTESTAPI")
Write $SYSTEM.Status.GetOneErrorText(sc)

Export configuration

This is an important feature to export existing configurations. It could be useful to generate a configuration document and create a script for a further install.

Firstable, create a filter as follow and then call export method.:

Set filter = {
   "Namespaces": {  
       "MYAPP":""    /* Namespace to export */
       "MYAPP":""    /* Export all globals mapping for namespace MYAPP */
       "MYAPP":""    /* Export all packages mapping for namespace MYAPP */
       "MYAPP":""    /* Export all routines mapping for namespace MYAPP */
       "/csp/zrestapp":"",   /* Export Web applications parameters /csp/zrestapp */
       "/csp/zwebapp":""     /* Export Web applications parameters /csp/zwebapp */
   "Journal":"",  /* Export all journal setting.  *There is a trick to export only non default parameters(see below) */
   "config":""   /* Export config parameters */
Set OnlyNotDefaultValue = 1
Set config = ##class(Api.Config.Services.Loader).export(filter,OnlyNotDefaultValue)

Filter has a structure pretty similar to a configuration document.
OnlyNotDefaultValue allows export parameters has a value different from the “default value”.
It’s very interesting to identify modified parameters and also to keep a configuration document clear with only relevant properties.

Exported configuration :


REST application

A REST API is also available allowing CRUD operation overall implemented config services, load configuration JSON document, create namespaces, databases, …
Configuration using a simple curl command line became possible.

Install WEB Application

Execute the following script to install web application /csp/config :

Do ##class(Api.Config.Developers.Install).installRESTApp()

Note: If you use the docker template in this repository the web application /api/config is automatically installed.

REST operations

The swagger file is available at http://localhost:32773/api/config/, load into your favorite software like :

By default, the swagger specification’s available at this location: http://localhost:32773/api/config/ (adapt with your port number).

Note: with this docker template, the swagger-ui module is automatically installed and available at http://localhost:32773/swagger-ui/index.html


Method Request Summary
get / Swagger 2.0 specification
put /loader Load configuration.
delete /loader WARNING Delete all namespaces, databases, webapps,… defined in configuration object.
post /export Export a part of IRIS configuration.
get /export/{id} Get an existing configuration export.
get /security/users Get list of existing users.
post /security/users Create a new user.
get /security/users/${name} Get user detail.
put /security/users/${name} Update user.
delete /security/users/${name} Delete a user.
get /security/roles Get list of existing roles.
post /security/roles Create a new role.
get /security/roles/${name} Get role detail.
put /security/roles/${name} Update role.
delete /security/roles/${name} Delete a role.
get /security/resources Get list of existing resources.
post /security/resources Create a new resource.
get /security/resources/${name} Get resource detail.
put /security/resources/${name} Update resource.
delete /security/resources/${name} Delete a resource.
get /security/sslconfigs Get list of existing sslconfigs.
post /security/sslconfigs Create a new sslconfig.
get /security/sslconfigs/${name} Get sslconfig detail.
put /security/sslconfigs/${name} Update sslconfig.
delete /security/sslconfigs/${name} Delete a sslconfig.
get /security/sqladminprivilegeset Get list of SQLAdminPrivilegeSet.
put /security/sqladminprivilegeset Set SQLAdminPrivilegeSet.
get /security/sqladminprivilegeset/{namespace}/{grantee} Get SQLAdminPrivilegeSet detail.
delete /security/sqladminprivilegeset/{namespace}/{grantee} Delete SQLAdminPrivilegeSet.
get /security/sqlprivileges/{namespace}/{grantee} Get list of privilege for namespace and grantee.
delete /security/sqlprivileges/{namespace}/{grantee} Delete privileges for namespace and grantee.
put /security/sqlprivileges Set SQL Privileges.
get /library/sqlconnection Get list of existing SQLConnections.
post /library/sqlconnection Create a new sqlconnection.
get /library/sqlconnection/${name} Get SQLConnection detail.
put /library/sqlconnection/${name} Update SQLConnection.
delete /library/sqlconnection/${name} Delete SQLConnection.
get /sys/databases Get list of databases directory.
post /sys/databases Create a new database directory.
put /sys/databases/{directory}/mounted Mount database.
delete /sys/databases/{directory}/mounted Dismount database.
get /sys/databases/{directory} Get database directory details
put /sys/databases/{directory} Update details of an existing database directory.
delete /sys/databases/{directory}
get /databases/{name}
put /databases/{name}
delete /databases/{name}
get /databases
post /databases
get /namespaces/{name}
put /namespaces/{name}
delete /namespaces/{name}
get /namespaces
post /namespaces
get /security/applications Get list of existing web applications.
post /security/applications Create a new web applications.
get /security/applications/{name} Get Web application.
put /security/applications/{name} Update Web application.
delete /security/applications/{name} Delete Web application.
get /configfile
put /configfile
get /journal
put /journal
get /config
put /config
get /security/services Get list of services.
get /security/services/{name} Get service detail by name
put /security/services/{name} Update service.
get /cluster
put /cluster
get /debug/{name}
put /debug/{name}
delete /debug/{name}
get /debug
post /debug
get /devicesubtypes/{name}
put /devicesubtypes/{name}
delete /devicesubtypes/{name}
get /devicesubtypes
post /devicesubtypes
get /devices/{name}
put /devices/{name}
delete /devices/{name}
get /devices
post /devices
get /ecp
put /ecp
get /ecpservers/{name}
put /ecpservers/{name}
delete /ecpservers/{name}
get /ecpservers
post /ecpservers
get /io
put /io
get /licenseservers/{name}
put /licenseservers/{name}
delete /licenseservers/{name}
get /licenseservers
post /licenseservers
get /magtapes/{name}
put /magtapes/{name}
delete /magtapes/{name}
get /magtapes
post /magtapes
get /mapglobals/{namespace}/{name}
put /mapglobals/{namespace}/{name}
delete /mapglobals/{namespace}/{name}
get /mapglobals/{namespace}
post /mapglobals/{namespace}
get /mapmirrors/{id}/{name}
put /mapmirrors/{id}/{name}
delete /mapmirrors/{id}/{name}
get /mapmirrors/{id}
post /mapmirrors/{id}
get /mappackages/{namespace}/{name}
put /mappackages/{namespace}/{name}
delete /mappackages/{namespace}/{name}
get /mappackages/{namespace}
post /mappackages/{namespace}
get /maproutines/{namespace}/{name}
put /maproutines/{namespace}/{name}
delete /maproutines/{namespace}/{name}
get /maproutines/{namespace}
post /maproutines/{namespace}
get /mapshadows/{id}/{name}
put /mapshadows/{id}/{name}
delete /mapshadows/{id}/{name}
get /mapshadows/{id}
post /mapshadows/{id}
get /mirrormember
put /mirrormember
get /mirrors/{name}
put /mirrors/{name}
delete /mirrors/{name}
get /mirrors
post /mirrors
get /miscellaneous
put /miscellaneous
get /monitor
put /monitor
get /sql
put /sql
get /shadows/{name}
put /shadows/{name}
delete /shadows/{name}
get /shadows
post /shadows
get /sqlsysdatatypes/{name}
put /sqlsysdatatypes/{name}
delete /sqlsysdatatypes/{name}
get /sqlsysdatatypes
post /sqlsysdatatypes
get /sqluserdatatypes/{name}
put /sqluserdatatypes/{name}
delete /sqluserdatatypes/{name}
get /sqluserdatatypes
post /sqluserdatatypes
get /startup
put /startup
get /telnet
put /telnet
Made with
zpm install config-api download archive
1.4.125 Oct, 2022
Ideas portal
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
15 Apr, 2021
Last checked by moderator
23 Jul, 2024Works