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A Pythonic wrapper for Intersystems IrisNative API

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Initial Release


A Pythonic wrapper for Intersystems IrisNative API

Provides the sort of interface semantics that most Python programmers would expect.
For example:

  1. Resource Acquisition Is Instantiation:

     with Iris(ip=args.ip, port=args.port, namespace=args.namespace,
               username=args.username, password=args.password) as iris:
         ... do stuff knowing that on exit, the iris connection will be gone ...
     with iris.transaction() as tran:
         ... do database stuff knowing that on exit, the transaction will either
             be committed or aborted, but not dangling ...
         Note: Also multi-level transactions.
  2. Exceptions:

         with Iris(ip=args.ip, port=args.port, namespace=args.namespace,
                   username=args.username, password=args.password) as iris:
             ... blah blah ...
     except IrisConnectionException as e:        # Deal with failure to connect.
  3. An IrisGlobal type that represents actual Iris Globals:

     with Iris(ip=args.ip, port=args.port, namespace=args.namespace,
               username=args.username, password=args.password) as iris:
         iris.MyGlob = 42           # Creates an Iris global ^MyGlob and assigns the value 42.
         iris.MyGlob[(1,2,3)] = 5   # Directly applies tuples as Iris global subscripts
     # ... or with local Python variables:
     my_glob = IrisGlobal(iris, "MyGlob")  # Note you can't have _'s in Iris global names.
     my_glob[None] = 1
     my_glob[1, 2] = 3
     my_glob.name()                              # -> "^MyGlob"
     my_glob[None] = 42                          # set ^MyGlob = 42
     x = my_glob[None]                           # set x = ^MyGlob           except x is in Python
     my_glob[1,2,3] = 42                         # set ^MyGlob(1,2,3) = 42
     tup = (1,2,3)
     my_glob[*tup] = 42                          # set ^MyGlob(1,2,3) = 42
     x = my_glob[1,2,3]                          # set x = ^MyGlob(1,2,3)    except x is in Python
     x = my_glob(1,2,3)                          # set x = ^MyGlob(1,2,3)    except x is in Python
     del my_glob[1,2,3]                          # kill ^MyGlob(1,2,3)       Python style
     my_glob.kill((1,2,3))                       # kill ^MyGlob(1,2,3)       Closer to Object Script style
     my_glob.increment((1,2), 1)                 # $Increment(^MyGlob(1,2))
     my_glob.lock((1,2,3))                       # lock ^MyGlob(1,2,3)
     my_glob.unlock((1,2,3))                     # unlock ^MyGlob(1,2,3)
     my_glob.has_child((1,2,3))                  # $Data(^MyGlob(1,2,3)) = 10 or 11
     my_glob.has_value((1,2,3))                  # $Data(^MyGlob(1,2,3)) = 1  or 11

  4. Iteration:

     for k,v in my_glob.iteritems()                          # $Order iterate key,value pairs at root of ^MyGlob
     for k,v in my_glob.iteritems(reverse=True)              # $Order iterate in reverse
     for k,v in my_glob.iteritems(key=(1,2), start_from=1)   # $Order iterate in subscripts below (1,2), starting from (1,2,1).
     for k   in my_glob.iterkeys((1,2))                      # $Order iterate key             below subroot of [1,2]
     for v   in my_glob.itervalues((1,))                     # $Order iterate value           at root of ^MyGlob
     for k,v in my_glob.iter_all(key=None)                   # Depth first iterate entire global
Made with
1.0.024 Nov, 2022
Works with
InterSystems IRISInterSystems IRIS for Health
First published
24 Nov, 2022
Last edited
24 Nov, 2022