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This project gets HL7 Radiology Result messages and checks to see if the patients in those messages exist in the
InterSystems FHIR server repository. If the patients exist, then the FHIR IDs of those patients are returned.
If the patients don’t exist, then new FHIR Patient resources are created based on the demographics information parsed
in from the PID segments in the HL7 messages. This process helps to create FHIR cohorts that can be used for analytics,
research, and other purposes while expanding the InterSystems FHIR repository.
InterSystems FHIR Server
InterSystems HealthShare
InterSystems IRIS for Health
InterSystems IRIS Studio
Install and Configure InterSystems HealthShare or InsterSystems IRIS for Health
Install and Configure InterSystems FHIR Server
Understanding and working knowledge of InterSystems IRIS for Health or InterSysems HealthShare technology, HL7 FHIR Specification, and HL7 Message Structure
Scenario 1: If Patient exists in the FHIR Repository
Incoming HL7 Radiology Result Message
Parse in the patient demographics data from the HL7 Message and search for the patient in the FHIR repository
InterSystems FHIR server returns response after querying the repository with the Patient resource details
Scenario 2: If Patient doesn’t exist in the FHIR Repository
Incoming HL7 Radiology Result Message
Parse in the patient demographics data from the HL7 Message and search for the patient in the FHIR repository
InterSystems FHIR server returns response after querying for the patient in the repository
FHIR POST call sends a request to create the Patient resource in the FHIR repository
InterSystems FHIR server returns response with ‘HTTP/1.1 201 Created’ after creating the Patient resource successfully
Run SQL queries on the FHIR repository to get the details on the cohort that was created from the steps above
@Momeena.Ali, @Marvin.Asercion, @Katie Bourbeau, @Darren.Marks, @Scott.Nathanson